Big Smo - Amare tech se-450 and mephisto genetics.

You let the tap sit or mix right away?

I fill my bucket mix and water after getting the EC and the PH dialed in correctly of course.

I am currently doing a test run DWC, for that I mixed the nutes in each bucket the night before the cuts went into them, so far so good. Make sure you can't use your tap at all for growing before you go to R/O.

My waste from my current drain to waste goes outdoors to the plants in the yard and they love it.
I'd go with 2 se-450's and use the 4x6 room. It's overkill but you'll never have to question your lighting again. 5 year bumper to bumper warranty and in my eyes one of the best lights available. Besides the pro9 lol. Check out the threads on he is also offering a discount for members.

I know a lot of guys don't sell this stuff but my first Amare run I could have paid for 12 se-450's at face value after expenses in 80 day seed to chop autos. Meanwhile I was vegging a smaller run at the halfway point and made enough to buy 8 more. I didn't buy 20 lights but you get the point. I feel relieved that I don't have to worry about lighting anymore.
I get what you're saying spend a little money & you've got the gift that keeps on giving I've never heard anything negative about amare probably the reason the Chinese dude is trying to copy them & do the comparison & all that I almost bit when I saw an actual promo price but I've talked so much shit to him I can't even consider going there he's so pushy I don't trust him any more than a car salesman
I get what you're saying spend a little money & you've got the gift that keeps on giving I've never heard anything negative about amare probably the reason the Chinese dude is trying to copy them & do the comparison & all that I almost bit when I saw an actual promo price but I've talked so much shit to him I can't even consider going there he's so pushy I don't trust him any more than a car salesman
He is trying to copy Amare like many others. What they lack is the intelligence and years of research victor has done. My Eco light came with the cheapest driver available. Then after waiting 4 weeks for its arrival he sent me one with a European plug. Told me it would fit and if not just to push it. Cree is good but there are different bins and models where Eco goes for the cheapest.
He is trying to copy Amare like many others. What they lack is the intelligence and years of research victor has done. My Eco light came with the cheapest driver available. Then after waiting 4 weeks for its arrival he sent me one with a European plug. Told me it would fit and if not just to push it. Cree is good but there are different bins and models where Eco goes for the cheapest.
Ouch that could start a fire...
Ouch that could start a fire...
He did send me another driver but that took another 3 weeks and offered to pay for an adapter but it's just a trashy way to operate. They tried to get one past me but stupid enough to think anyone would fall for it
He did send me another driver but that took another 3 weeks and offered to pay for an adapter but it's just a trashy way to operate. They tried to get one past me but stupid enough to think anyone would fall for it
How long you run those UV-B bulbs on the amare?
I haven't really run it as much as I'd like to. Most people do 15 minutes every hour. I just bought a power strip timer so I can run all 3 together.
I fill my bucket mix and water after getting the EC and the PH dialed in correctly of course.

I am currently doing a test run DWC, for that I mixed the nutes in each bucket the night before the cuts went into them, so far so good. Make sure you can't use your tap at all for growing before you go to R/O.

My waste from my current drain to waste goes outdoors to the plants in the yard and they love it.

Can someone pls explain the theory of drain to waste?
I don't waste not one drop of my Nute mix. It's like throwing away money not to mention your plants drink it all in an hour or 2.
How long you run those UV-B bulbs on the amare?
I go full time the last 2 weeks.

This Blue cheese was my second run ever, never worked under anyone. I've had HH Pro Gro LED, Tasty, T5's, 315 CMH, Spectrum King, and 600w MH this last one. Gonna shake some shit up soon and we will see what's what. Well at the very least I will for my needs.

You should just break down n buy the Amare's. No more mixing every light under the sun to try to get the sun! It's all there in one light my man!

I think we are pulling 3 harvests to his one. I messed with photos earlier before I went on my own. 2 of my good friends were growers and they needed help. I was more of a bitch than partner. Learned a lot but never really was hands on making decisions. The yields were great but the time it took didn't seem to pay off like autos do. For me atleast. This is only my 5th solo grow. Third one under Amare. My first was Mars hydro and my second was Mars, kind and hps. All decent yields but lighting disasters.

Great thread homie! Bout time! Lol!
Honestly, the reason I haven't given in to your Autos yet is explained in my thread w/ Pet n SixStrings debate.
My peepz are straight pot-snobs. They see me cuz they know their gonna get that jar quality shiznit. If I put my time n chedda into the autos & they don't come back like jewels, I'm stuck or would have to drop cost by allot. I do like what you're doing w/ them & it is tempting. But my flower run is done in 60-70 days depending on the strains.
The veg is vegging away the whole time. So, basically I flip every 2 months w/ 1 of the rooms, aside from the time it takes to prep it for the next run.
If I choose to stagger the rooms, I'd be chopping every 30 days. So, it's not much of a benefit to me time wise. The strains I grow are all jems too.
But maybe I'll do it just for you w/ a few cuz I am open minded. I think you just wanna see what id do w/ them. Lol! So you know they can be bomb or not! Ha! You sneaky SmoBro.
Nice light bar. I'll tell you what though. I'd like it if you'd show me how to DIY from scratch one day. I need all kinds of supplemental lighting in both rooms.

This Blue cheese was my second run ever, never worked under anyone. I've had HH Pro Gro LED, Tasty, T5's, 315 CMH, Spectrum King, and 600w MH this last one. Gonna shake some shit up soon and we will see what's what. Well at the very least I will for my needs.

I ran Critical Cheeze before. I called it foot Cheeze! It was bangin w/ stench. Lol!
You still got your Pro-Grow? Hey, it's killer in veg, no?! When did you get the SK? Looks cool, but you need to know, if you keep buying straight white cobs you shouldn't expect differant results. When I turn off the monos to just cobs then go back to adding the monos, it's a whole nuther world in there & the plants go bonkers. Maybe try a SE-250 or a Pro-3 to compare to your other lights. Then you'll know what I'm talking about. I can guarantee you, once you go w/ Amare you won't look back.
BTW, stay tuned to see if the added white helps my HH flower something. Looks good so far. That way you know yours won't be a waste. Try it close to 2 other white lights & put it in the middle. Bet it works out & will somewhat help you achieve the spectrum you desire for now.
Can't wait to see you step it up to the 5'x9'.
You'll love growing quality weight.
What is the Pro 9?

I'll snap you pic of my Sour Hound later tonight she's blowing up, this is the first time I have not topped my auto though and I started her in the final container too. Just been doing some leaf tucking here and there. She seems happy so far.

Pro-9? Only the best & coolest light available on this earth. Inline colled (duct) option as well. @ThaMagnificent has one. I'm jelly too! Ha!

Wow that is ridiculous lol......

I have a Hydro Hut LED light here I was thinking of hacking as well to test out...................

I'm replacing the cobs in mine after this grow. What model do you have again? The web-site sure does a good job of making false claims though. I was souped thinking I found the hidden secret in led lighting n just had to have one. Even know the owner was shady as fuck n lied to me every chance he got. Fuckers.

Glad you have a thread SmoBro. I'll be here checking in daily. You're getting good fast. Mad Props to you homie!

I have the HH Progro260 collecting dust in the closetwhich was an older model from before yours came out. Very hot light on "full spectrum" and even gives some weird mutations on seedlings sometimes. That was my first LED lol. The SK I got recently to try out when they ran the $100 off sale again for $200 I figure why not try it my intention is just for veg not anything else, and so far it's doing great. It's also using only 100w and dropped the temps in the tent a lot like 10 degrees on average depending what's going on outside and the A/C temp etc.

As for the drain to waste for me, basically I am hand watering my coco mix to the plants on a flood table that drains into a rubbermaid tote underneath. This catches the run off and then when the totes get full I use a submersible pump to drain it to my bucket (s) and the "waste" goes to my out door garden for my herbs and fruits and veggies. How much I waste is all on me so the name can be misleading it's just easier for me than worrying about spilling water everywhere if they were on saucers etc. But I am indoors in a spare room too in my house so the run off is more of a concern than someone with a commercial setup.
Pets plants were photos. If they were autos I'd get ya. Like I mentioned on your thread there are differences in strains with autos just like photos. Some aren't to frosty while others are covered. Dinafem which I posted weren't frosty but we're very intense. Big head that I grew next to Dinafem is completely covered. Even majority of the main stalk is covered. Quality of bud has more to do with the grower or strain more than photo vs auto imo.

I have the HH Progro260 collecting dust in the closetwhich was an older model from before yours came out. Very hot light on "full spectrum" and even gives some weird mutations on seedlings sometimes. That was my first LED lol. The SK I got recently to try out when they ran the $100 off sale again for $200 I figure why not try it my intention is just for veg not anything else, and so far it's doing great. It's also using only 100w and dropped the temps in the tent a lot like 10 degrees on average depending what's going on outside and the A/C temp etc.

As for the drain to waste for me, basically I am hand watering my coco mix to the plants on a flood table that drains into a rubbermaid tote underneath. This catches the run off and then when the totes get full I use a submersible pump to drain it to my bucket (s) and the "waste" goes to my out door garden for my herbs and fruits and veggies. How much I waste is all on me so the name can be misleading it's just easier for me than worrying about spilling water everywhere if they were on saucers etc. But I am indoors in a spare room too in my house so the run off is more of a concern than someone with a commercial setup.

If you put them in oversized saucers, get your count down pat, you'll have no waste n no spills. Just plants drinking nutes. Plus it will assure you they are fully fed.
If you put them in oversized saucers, get your count down pat, you'll have no waste n no spills. Just plants drinking nutes. Plus it will assure you they are fully fed.

Oversize saucers take up much needed real estate bro :) Remember I'm in tents and you're not. :blsmoke:
Flood tables for me are such an amazing upgrade from my last room. I have the luxury of dumping my excess outdoors but even into a resivour is a huge time saver. My first 2 runs in my last room I did saucers and also had little pot casters to move the plants around when I watered. image.jpeg
Can't really see much but man I absolutely hated every second of growing in here. I had 12 plants on the other side, the room was long and narrow. I always watered till I saw runoff. Which meant I had to vaccume 23 saucers which filled the vacuum 3-4 times. Not to mention flushing. I'd quit growing if I had to do that again. Now I'm a slob. Water away and all spills go right down the drain.
Nice job!
No easy way to cool this beast. I have some pc fans but it being so long it's almost impossible to seal it up to suck air through it. I let it run for 2 hours and it did get warm being in a stagnant room but hopefully with 2 above head fans they should help. I'll have to look into the recommended temps cause I don't have a clue what's reasonable. I think it's fine but rather be safe than sorry.

lighting parts
6 Cree cxb2530. -$65
Ideal holders -$20
3 cheapo Mars drivers - freebies

Frame 80-20 aluminum- $120
Center 1/8" 3x7 aluminum -$35

Total wattage 180 4000k

It was more fun than anything to build. Watching it fire up was awesome. Side lighting is such an overlooked factor in growing. Hybrid uses t5's a lot of guys use bars ext. which I planned on doing since I do have some blurple bars but being 4 feet and my space being 3 times that long lead me to this.
Ro system hooked up. Tap water was 130ppm with ro system it's 0ppm
I guess I should look into one too. I'm a steady 130ppm from the tap and that's on well water. Probably all the deer pissing on my well cover. I understand how filtration and ro works but I would have thought my 2 home filters would lower it a little.