Big room, but low ceiling. I have questions

The house I recently bought has a perfect space - but the ceiling is a bit low. Overall, its about 60" high to the floor above, and about 52" to the floor joists. The containers add another 10" or so as well. I have thought about digging down into the soil under the plywood and seating the containers flush with the ground, but I don't really want to dig if I don't have to.

I am thinking of using those 10 gal containers, with 2 plants each. I have 1 600w HPS. My concern is still the height. I have been doing a lot of research, and have grown hydro before and would like to stick with hydro for this. I am thinking SCROG, but need some design pointers.

-Air will be vented straight outside, probably through a filter first
-I will want to expand later, but want to stay with one light for the first one or two grows, then move up once I get the hang of it

What do you think?



I would ScrOG em, you want the screen to be 8-12" above your soil so that'd bring you at about 20" which leaves you 32" til the joists.. I'd just mount the light as high as you can and it should be fine. Besides... ScrOG gives you some of the best yields/sq ft anyways...

In the future I want to create a double stack ScrOG since they usually are such a low grow it might be possible to stack 2 in a normal sized room!... <<-- Remember you heard it here first!

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me scrog them bitch's low and make sure to use an air cooled hood so if the plants do get close it isn't to hot.


Active Member
Hey man that room looks great !! And the scrog idea sounds perfect !! I was curious, you mentioned about the option of digging down if need be, I'm assuming it's in a basement of sorts with a dirt floor, I'm sure you've got it covered, but I'd be careful with your humidity levels, I'd be afraid once you got those lights going and the room up to temp all that moist dirt is going to start drying out and all that moister ends up in the air !! Just my two cents lol it looks good and have fun !!! Much luck !!! :)


New Member
First of all, how much weight are you looking to get, are you concerned about plant numbers? I don't understand why people like to tie down plants, that is such a pain in the ass, also you are worried about height, so why SCROG? I feel since you want to stay with hydroponics, which I love, I would use a flood and drain system/NFT with a reservoir, coupled with a SOG grow. It is easy to find containers that are low to the ground which would only require you to slightly raise the containers holding your medium, like hydroton. Since you are running smaller plants, you don't need to have as deep set of a container which allows you even more height, plus the plants are going to finish at what, 10 - 14"? So you'll be well within playing room if you want to mess with the veg times prior to throwing them into flowering. Whether you want to go straight from clone, or veg for 1 - 3 weeks.