big problem!!!!!!

bush doctor???

Active Member
I got outdoor seeds but I grow it under atrtificiall light.
they are 6 weeks old now and are growing very slow.
the leaves are yellow and brown and are drying out I think.
Is it possible to help the plants and finish them under the same light
or do I have to plant them outdoors???


Active Member
You should be able to grow outdoor seeds indoors. What light are you using? It may not be a light issue at all.


Active Member
my leaves are browning out
and i needed to know y
i give it water and good light
250w red heat lamp
what might be the problem
slow grow too


Well-Known Member
not enought info.temps, what the f**k is red heat light? is this light hot and how far is from the plants, nutrients, etc........? also piczz?


Well-Known Member
post pick of that light man.heat light mean it's hot i think.what's the distance between the light and da plants?!?

Zoomin Loomen

Active Member
Ive gotta laugh when people think you cant grow an outdoor seed indoors or an indoor seed outdoors.

Its a PLANT. Theres really no such thing as an "indoor seed"...just strains that were bred in and are better suited for indoor conditions.

Anyhow, OP, you need to provide an assload more information to get any meaningful help.

"Artificial light" is wayy vauge. "Yellowing and browning" is vauge. Throw us a bone here, eh?