BIG problem


Well-Known Member
I have been putting my plant outside for the past 2 weeks and today when I brought her in I checked the soil temp, it was at 120 degrees! She isn't showing nay signs of stress yet because it's only been a few hours at that temp, and today has been the hottest of all summer. btw I'm in TX. Will she survive?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
a few ideas to proceeed with....

Wrap the pot in fiberglass insulation/duct tape...covering that with some white plastic....and then try to sheild the dirt from direct sun....

sit the pot on grass or in the weeds...not on a patio/on concrete or anyhting else that will absorb heat.

cross your fingers

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Put up just about anything to keep shade on the pots (not the plant just the pots).


Well-Known Member
Well unfortunately I can't put them anywhere but on a tin roof for privacy. and I can't cover the dirt because the plant is on LST and it's so low that covering the dirt means covering the pot.


Well-Known Member
Put something under pot to limit the ambient heat coming from the tin.
Like a rubber mat (1/8"-1/4" thick).
Or some plywood.
Also the bigger the pot the better off you will be.


Well-Known Member
I'll try using a block of wood since the the pot is a 1 gallon, and the roots take up about a third of that space since I only transplanted last week.


Well-Known Member
That should help a good deal.
I would feed and water right before night fall or dark cycle intead of during the day.

Can you put it on a south facing wall?


Well-Known Member
Well now I have more problems, but this could be caused by the heat on the roots. It also looks alot like a nuitrient burn but I've only used bone abd blood meal mixed into the soil.

I keep pulling one of these off about every day now.
