BIG PROBLEM -- flowering have stopped


hi all.

so i have some fucking big problem!!
my ladies dont finish flowering cycle. i vegged them from 1,5 month. then turned my lights to 12/12 in november 17th. so flowering really started in some 1. or 2.december. im growing 20 big buds and 2. nothern ,lights. but i had some two mayor mistakes which could make this long flowering. my region came very cold wheather (-27 C).and my growroom isnt the best place where to grow in winter. so pots of my babies frozen for some two days, but after that, plants recovered normaly, only some foliage on lower part of plant frozen. and there was also some week when temperature in night cycle (when lights are off) get to some 5-7 celsium.probably there was some two weeks with this cold weather. one week in beggining of january, and one week in the end of january.

2. i made my fucking biggest mistake.i overfertilazed my plants in late january. i bought some fucking bad fertiliser which burned my i flushed them only some 8 days ago, because im fucking idiot!!! it burned foliage and almost all hairs of bud turned brown, i prefere that they just dry out.
i tought thet they will be just fine,so i continued to fertilise them with lower concentration of fertiliser.and only some 10 days ago i get to conclusion that something is really plants was stopped flowering,

Plants dont mature.they are some 2. weeks till finish, they are almost fully coated with crystals, but there are no amber glands. some 40% are clear and some 60% are cloudy. they stopped development.
for some of plants the foliage is turned up, like there was lack of light.

so i started to look what is going wrong. I THINK that it is salt buil up. there is very big problems with water. so almost all the time i watered my plants with fertiliser.and no water came through the pot. there is drainage holes, but because of small amount of water, they didnt drainage. i prefere, that because of this,there is salt build up. it looked like salt build up, because when soil was dry, there was some crystals shining from soil.
there is almost week around from flushing, and it looks like some new hairs are developing.

MY BIG QUESTION IS--- Is it possible that they dont finish flowering??
they are almost 90 days flowering


thanks everybody for your post, i understand my problem.
the problem is that i just need to use another forum where to ask about my problem!!!!:wall:


Well-Known Member
thanks everybody for your post, i understand my problem.
the problem is that i just need to use another forum where to ask about my problem!!!!:wall:
You are welcome. We are always glad to take time out to tell someone that they were dumb enough to let their plants freeze and then burned the shit out of what was left with nutes. I hope the folks on that other forum will help you realize that you might be too genetically challenged to grow weed.


i didnt freez my ladies, because i wanted it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
frost came in one night, temperature changed from -4 to -25 in 13hours.
and about nutes-- yes it was my fault.

and you dont need some foto to answer my question.
but everything is ok. i got aswer from :)


Well-Known Member
You are welcome. We are always glad to take time out to tell someone that they were dumb enough to let their plants freeze and then burned the shit out of what was left with nutes. I hope the folks on that other forum will help you realize that you might be too genetically challenged to grow weed.
I couldnt have said it better myself. Guess the only thing I may have thrown is: 'bet you rode the little school bus and wear a helmet'.:dunce:


Active Member
I ran into this same problem myself, except I didn't freeze mine or over nute. It still had about 3 weeks to flower but quit growing and didn't have any new flowering for 2 weeks. I already cut it so I don't have pics. It only grew about an 1/8 of dried nug. The plant 3 weeks before that had an oz of dry, so I know it isn't room or light setup. Any suggestions?


Active Member
why would you even start a grow knowing your night temps are in the -4 region...thats fighting a losing battle to begin with


Well-Known Member
i didnt freez my ladies, because i wanted it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
frost came in one night, temperature changed from -4 to -25 in 13hours.
and about nutes-- yes it was my fault.

and you dont need some foto to answer my question.
but everything is ok. i got aswer from :)
I didn't accuse you of causing the weather. But, if it took 13 hours to drop that much, you had plenty of time to move the plants or put a heater where they are. AND, did the cold temps come as a complete surprise? Dont they have weather forcasts where you are?


about temps:
i have radiator in night cycle,and in day cycle i have 8x400watt lamps, which brings lot of heat, even if outside is -10 cesium degree inside there is +20. so the problem is another, my growwroom is like standing in air. it s build on some rock pillars, or like thar.
and all this lttle house is made from wood. in temperature -25 the frost came from ground, from floor. all floor just freez,and pots level where is foliage temperature was +20, but in level like pots temp went close to 0, even minuss. but this didn hurt my plants much.

i wasnt waiting that this winter will be so fucking cold. in the last 5 winters temps like -20 was only for some 2 days, not for weeks like this year

and my problem was salt build up. i saw white little crystals in the soil. so i made several flushings.
now i can see that plant is starting to develop new hairs, buds are starting to recover, from nute burns. so everything will be ok.

