Big Pharma set to "take over" Medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member
How is it old news? Sativex just announced on April 19th that they completed the second stage of testing. They are now starting Stage 3,the final stage, then its on the market.

Sativex is the first and only pharmaceutical to be made from the actual buds of the marijuana plant. Marinol is synthetic garbage that most people who try,dont like.
Sativex is new, but the process is not
Marinol may be garbage, but THC synthetic or natural seems a fine point legally
MJ's active ingredient is often quoted to be THC, at least by by current 'legal' thinking
i agree with the thread's point about the trend, just that the trend has been in process for a while


Well-Known Member
imagine if a million or so stoners parked on the steps for a week or two-

medical marijuana presents a unique opportunity ro call these fuckin hustlers for what they are. tell everyone you can. your aunty, the old guy next door, your kids. these guys wrecked our lives, over cannabis. then we got medical and started running experiments(regular guys are making huge headway), then stole it and made us criminals again.

how bout this. fuck you sam. i'll die first.


Well-Known Member
How about we all make it a point, Pledge if you will, that we will never touch the stuff for recreational or otherwise. Hell its a start.

Brick Top

New Member
Ten will get you twenty that when Obama met with the heads of the major pharmaceutical corporations, along with heads of other medical and medical related businesses, about his wanted national health care legislation the heads of the major pharmaceutical corporations said, we want the legal right to use cannabis to make drugs, we want to control it totally. If you do not give it to us we will not support your legislation, we will flood Congress with lobbyists telling members of Congress to vote no, we will flood the media with negative information about it, we will do all we can to kill what you want to be your legacy. We will also cut all funding for Democratic candidates in the midterm elections and you will end up with a Republican controlled Congress. In the following election, when you are up for reelection, we will still not fund or support Democratic candidates and we will not fund or support you and you will be a one term president.

Now do we get what we want or not?

And Obama caved instantly and said, yep, I'll make sure it's all yours and after first making it appear I will not go after current medicinal marijuana I will later kill it so it is dead when you are ready.

That, considering when first the president Obama said he would not go after dispensaries, but lately they have become major targets in several states, explains the following:

Feds Threaten State Dispensaries Nationwide

Feds Threaten State Dispensaries Nationwide Read the Department of Justice’s “Haag Memo” here: http://www.cannabistherapyinstitute.....haag.memo.pdf

In a little-publicized memo, the federal government has indicated that the gloves are off with regards to medical marijuana dispensaries, “regardless of state laws.” Previous memos had indicated a loosening of federal prosecutions of medical marijuana, however the new memo states very clearly that the feds consider all dispensaries illegal under federal law and that their prosecution is a “core priority” of the feds.

The “Haag Memo” was written on Feb. 1, 2011 from United States Attorney Melinda Haag (Northern District of California) to John A. Russo, Esq., Oakland City Attorney, in response to an Oakland City Council request for guidance regarding medical marijuana and federal law. The memo was written with consultation and approval from U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

The “Haag Memo” clarifies the “Ogden Memo”, which was written by former Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden on Oct. 19, 2009 for the Department of Justice. The “Ogden Memo” seemed to indicate that the new Obama administration would restrict federal prosecution of medical marijuana providers in states that had medical marijuana laws. This was heralded by many as giving them the green light to pursue medical marijuana activities, as long as they were in compliance with state law.

The “Haag Memo” clears up that misconception with some very unambiguous statements. The memo says clearly that the feds will not look the other way on medical marijuana. The “Haag Memo” states very clearly that the feds will continue to investigate, arrest and prosecute medical marijuana dispensaries in every state “regardless of state laws.”

In addition, the memo calls prosecuting medical marijuana dispensaries a “core priority” for the feds.

According to the memo, medical marijuana commercial activity is still considered by the Department of Justice to be “a violation of federal law regardless of state laws permitting such activities.”

The memo may be the cause of the recent increase in federal raids at medical marijuana dispensaries. Only 4 days after the memo was issued, the DEA raided 4 dispensaries in California Just this week, the DEA raided more dispensaries in California and Montana. They arrested dozens of people, and seized the assets and bank accounts of several dispensaries.​



Well-Known Member
let's play-

what if it happens. how would you respond.

personally i would eat the opiates. maybe even at the levels they would refill! and just go fuckin nuts? i'm probably the type that would hurt other people first.
or maybe when i don't stop my grow. the hundred thousand rounds i've aquired between now and then, could figure it out.
some are dealing in silver.

i deal in lead.
let's play-

what if it happens. how would you respond.

personally i would eat the opiates. maybe even at the levels they would refill! and just go fuckin nuts? i'm probably the type that would hurt other people first.
or maybe when i don't stop my grow. the hundred thousand rounds i've aquired between now and then, could figure it out.
some are dealing in silver.

i deal in lead.
I personally wouldn't care. I don't run a dispensary, so I don't run the risk. The dispensary owners are all aware of the risk, and that's the choice they made. It's good for them, and it's great that they are doing what they believe in. It definately helps the movement, that's for sure. For me to personally harp over this situation though, doesn't accomplish anything.

I would say just give it time. I personally don't think the goverment will be able to retain it's hold on marijuana. They have failed and are failing in regards to every other aspect of this country... what's medical marijuana. They may try but they won't prevail.

There will be plenty of legal loopholes that will follow this, as there currently are now in regards to medical marijuana. I've seen people defeat income tax... laws & legalities pertaining medical marijuana can definately be defeated with the correct legal team, time, and a stroke of luck. All that needs to happen, is that the volume of these soon-to-be future legal battles increases as to such a point the federal government will no longer pursue private, medical marijuana.

If you are going to deal in lead just make sure it's dealt to the right people at the correct venue, as so it stands for it's principle if anything. Politicians are just as looney as the guys that shoot at them, so what's to lose?


Well-Known Member
the killing of politicians rarely happens-

and is not what i meant.
just day dreaming anyway. i used to have a buddy who says; two ways, the easy way, and the EASIER way.


Well-Known Member
There will be plenty of legal loopholes that will follow this, as there currently are now in regards to medical marijuana. I've seen people defeat income tax... laws & legalities pertaining medical marijuana can definately be defeated with the correct legal team, time, and a stroke of luck. All that needs to happen, is that the volume of these soon-to-be future legal battles increases as to such a point the federal government will no longer pursue private, medical marijuana.
i agree, this is progress, some bad shit will probably happen along the road - not straight line progress
the legal foundation of federal MJ prohibition gets a little more rotten every year