Big Mac and a Bust


Well-Known Member
I read some of the readers comments that were included with this article, People still don't get it that pot is safer than beer or alcohol. Granted there was poor judgment in driving, smoking weed and having a baby in the car. But when has there been outrage enough to have a baby taken away from their parents for smoking cigs while driving. Anyone thinks pot will be legal anytime soon is fooling them self's. Too many Americans still don't get it. They are lost in the governments lies. While some states "get it" most still don't. And won't for sometime. Kinda bummed me out reading all the stupid comments. And ppl defending their ignorant stances, even when logic was pointed out to them. I guess I'm hopeful for the future. A lot of ignorant ppl will have to hear the truth from someone they trust, or we will still be locking up ppl and destroying lives over a plant.


Well-Known Member
Its funny because the "marijuana" was probably the healthiest substance within a 50 foot radius of the fast food establishment. Think of all the people cops have gunned down over the years, because they did something the cop thought was threatening. The car they were driving in also kills thousands per year. The food they were consuming contributes to obesity and heart disease. All the grease in the fryers that gives the workers bad skin as well as suck their humanity from their souls by being a serf to the beast. You could go on practically forever, the point is we live in a fucked up system of control. All you can do is fight that system at every opportunity provided, toss those wrenches into the establishments shiny new toys. Don't even attempt to justify your opposition because they will stop at nothing until they have your mind, body and soul. Show the followers of the beast no mercy. One day those cop cars will be rusted to the ground and that arby's will be a pile of rubble. The only pure thing we can follow in this world is truth, righteousness, and love, that will endure forever.


Well-Known Member
Just gotta febreeze it daz what they shouldve done no no officer pssst hey baby get damn febreeze if u dont ur goin to a damn foster home where arbys is a specialtly


I love this comment:

"This chick looks like the pink glasses."

HAHAHA maybe that was the reason they were called on. Damn anti-Predator bastards!


Well-Known Member
I'm glad they got busted. They were driving around with guns and smoking weed while driving with a 1 year old child in the back set. Some people need to grow up.

Fallen Buckshot

I'm glad they got busted. They were driving around with guns and smoking weed while driving with a 1 year old child in the back set. Some people need to grow up.
yeah i guess everyone should be perfect like you

.. i mean who hasnt drivien around with a gun wielding baby (that bastrd a bad influence) the baby has gotten ya stoned and you tho hmm im thinkin Arbys those jamocha shakes would hit da spot and all ov a sudden .. busted and you was just out for a sunday drive


Well-Known Member
I read some of the readers comments that were included with this article, People still don't get it that pot is safer than beer or alcohol. Granted there was poor judgment in driving, smoking weed and having a baby in the car. But when has there been outrage enough to have a baby taken away from their parents for smoking cigs while driving. Anyone thinks pot will be legal anytime soon is fooling them self's. Too many Americans still don't get it. They are lost in the governments lies. While some states "get it" most still don't. And won't for sometime. Kinda bummed me out reading all the stupid comments. And ppl defending their ignorant stances, even when logic was pointed out to them. I guess I'm hopeful for the future. A lot of ignorant ppl will have to hear the truth from someone they trust, or we will still be locking up ppl and destroying lives over a plant.
I bums me out too man


my 2 cents

i work fast food.....yeah obviously i smoke

however, smoking while driving with an infant in the car is not a very smart decision....

i still would not report them though....


Well-Known Member
I love this comment:

"This chick looks like the pink glasses."

HAHAHA maybe that was the reason they were called on. Damn anti-Predator bastards!

I am SO glad I'm not the only one that found that comment funny. I cracked up so much after reading that then scrolling back up to the picture and it was instant, I just cracked up and couldnt stop. Might be my lowryder I just dried and tried for the firs time and kicked my ass, not used to decent weed.

desert fox

Well-Known Member
Sounds like upstanding proper parents. I got no sympathy. Loaded gun, stoned driving, with a child in the backseat.


getting stoned with an infant in the car sure, that's dumb... but it isn't like they were letting the kid play with the gun. If the parent keeps the gun concealed and it is just there for protection I don't really see the big deal. I assume it was in a holster/pocket it isn't like he was brandishing it. Guns are another right they are trying to take away from us if they haven't in your area already. They don't want us to be able to fight back. I always have my pistol with me whether I'm alone, with friends, or even driving with kids. It is a way to defend yourself if something were to happen. You can think you are some big tough guy but what if some guy tries to carjack you with those kids in the car with a knife or even a gun himself.. now we don't know if his was for protection, i mean I guess we can stereotype him because of his color or other actions or whatever reason you feel justifiable but you saying he can't carry a weapon is part of the problem... slowly but surely they want to slowly turn more and more ppl into second class citizens to restrict more and more of our rights and in the meantime they will try to get others to think guns or whatever are the problem and not the individual people and they will take them away completely from everybody. Luckily I live somewhere we can still legally carry.

just seems some of you are like "omg a gun!!" pfft