Big Leaves... Problematic? Newb...


Active Member
Hey guys and gals. Sorry new to this and I think my plants are overly bushy/just have way too big of leaves. They are blocking all of the new growth from getting any light... I tried maneuvering the big and little guys around to all get light but its really not working out soo well. Any advice? Also, I have no idea how old they are. I got them as clones and I've now had them 12 days. There were some leaves at the bottom that were monsters and also half yellow so I trimmed those right at the main stem. The strain is Pot of Gold if that helps at all. Again, anything you folks could tell me would be sooo greatly appreciated!!



Well-Known Member
well i happen to think that bushy is better. those big leaves draw energy to your tree. i would only trim dieing leaves. good luck. and they look great btw.


Active Member
alright mate...dont cut any leaves off...i grew pot of gold b4..those get huge unless you top them..also they dont do to good with stress or bugs...was my first grow & believe me it was hard going...i started from clone & vegged for 4 wks(too long)....great yeilder & amazing smoke...took about 12 wks to flower....i got 13 & a half oz off 4 plants so i was buzzin...only used a 250w in a cupboard.....good luck i hope you dont need it