big leaf theory??? flowering 3.5 weeks in and cramped.


Well-Known Member
ok i'm 3.5 weeks into flowering and some of my plants shot out huge fan leaves that stretch way out and are covering other buds.

i semi remember someone saying something about the big leaf theory? anyone ever heard of this? i wanted to know if this has anything to do with pruning?

or should i just keep pushing them under the other buds they are blocking out or can i cut them off. i'd rather not cut.

or another option is to ditch the smaller plants that have smaller buds. aka waste of space.


Active Member
ive always heard that pruning during flowering should never happen. why not just tie them back with some string?


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt do consant trimming during flowering it can affect yield, if you can position the fan leaf to not block the budspot then thats the best to do, but if thats not possible and is blocking light to the bud you need to cut the fan leaf. the more light on the bud, the bigger its going to be


Well-Known Member
i don't know what the big leaf theory is. that was my question if anyone knew about it or if i just had a dream one night that there was such a thing.? must have.

yeah i'll just tuck them under the buds each time i water i guess. just gets annoying and i want BIGBUDS from my BigBud.
