big fungus gnat problem!!


Well-Known Member
i need to know the fastest and most accurate way to get rid of these fuckers. i opened up my bag of soil today and saw a bunch of these things flying's time to terminate these pests


New Member
get fungicide or hiwever you spell it.. it kills the fungus they feed on and also the eggs. you can get it at walmart.. it works well i was impressed..

the widowman

Well-Known Member
keep your soil in a well sealed shed, always keep bag shut, use gnatrol or neem oil to zap the little ba"*ards.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
mosquito dunks floated in yer irrigation water will blast the eeggs and larvae...and the yellow whitefly traps or yellow food coloring in a bowl of water will get the flyin bastards...

good luck. get on em. they can get out of control quickly.

bt dt