Big buds and Eastern Europe wild cannabis.


Well-Known Member
ganjaboii024 said:
i think if you where to mount your lights sideways you would get more usable light, i think most of your light is just being wasted at your walls that arent reflective
Yeah, as I will get some money, I will buy something light reflective.
And I`ll try to figure out something right now, because You`re right - if it would sideways, it could give more light. Didn`t think about that before.
Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
Which is the best variant to reflect CFL`s light? I wan`t to buy the best material, so I can make light more efficient.
Thank`s for any help.


Well-Known Member
Made a picture of wild ones hairs. She is 28 cm tall.
I plan go to flowering, when the biggest Big Bud is about 45 cm tall. So, it has to grow about 10 - 15 cm.



Well-Known Member
I noticed, that Wild one is a hermaphrodyte.
What can I do? Cut off male preflowers? And if I do so, will it yield the same and produce same % of THC?


Well-Known Member
At first - happy new year!

Last night my plants had nice progress.
Topped one big bud above the 5th node. Now she is developing nice side branches and new tops. I guess I will tie her down, when I will transplant.
I want to make bushy plants with many tops, to get bigger yields.
Other BB`s have 7 and 8 nodes. Now only the smallest smells. And she has some preflowers, but they are too small, so can`t tell, is it a female.
Wild one is growing realy nice. I guess I will have to slow her down - tie down a bit. Now i`m not sure, if she is a hermie. Will wait and see. Couldn`t take pictures of those preflowers, because they are too small. Yeah, and wild one smells realy skunky. I hope she is not a hermie.

Yeah, and today WO went into 8th veg week, BB - 6th.



Well-Known Member
ns lookin plants, they may stretch a little but youll get some some good weed, i started the same way and got a few haf decent yields for wat strength they were 100 w. each.( driveway lights,lol).subscribed.


Well-Known Member
I screwed up at the begining, so they don`t like they should, but now i`m trying to do my best to get those bauties bushy. It will take longer to veg with 2700 cfl`s, but that`s better than one 15 w aquarium bulb for all plants what I had at the begining.
It was realy dumb to start growing without knowledge and equipment. Next growth I will start only when I will have all the stuff plants need to be healthy and have no stress.
It seemes that people learn from their own mistakes.

Thanks for good words, Raiderman. :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not postin a long time.

Plants have grown very well.
Wild one is developing very many side branches. As You can see in pictures, she`s realy bushy.She is 34 cm after I tied her.
Two big buds showed some female preflowers, third is still unknown. Got rid of one male.
I found out, how can I get my lights higher, so plans will have more space to grow.
I plan to grow Wild one 40 - 45 cm. Plants will have about 50 - 55 cm to grow till end of harvest. How do You think, it`s enough for them?
At last I transplanted the last big bud. She had very nice root system. After few days big bud will be much more larger.

Smell is starting to fill my room. So I plan to find some odor control solution, but it should be cheap.
If any one has some advices, you`re welcomed. :)

And some nice pictures. (First nine are from today)



Well-Known Member
Big buds today entered week 7, wild one - week 9.
Since i putted them in my closet under CFl`s, 2 weeks are gone. In these 2 weeks they have grown 3 times faster than before. If I could start at the beggining in my closet, they already were in flowering.

Today I tied one of BB and took one cutting from biggest BB.
Now I have two cuttings from wild one (13 days old - last picture) and two from BB.

I`m definately plan to tie all the plants at least one more time. What do You think - should I cut off some leafes so the side branches could get more light?



Well-Known Member
Cut off some leafes, so side branches could get more light. Two biggest BB have 6-8 equal tops each. Also, I tied them.
All plants look very healthy.

I`m stoned.



Well-Known Member
Very nice. I like the blue leaf too.
Looks like you got a regular mini forest going on there.

Just a bit of info for ya. CO2 indoors: If you do not have any fresh air comming into the grow area then yes. you can use it. Your plants are at the stage where they will use all the available co2 in the air quickly so It is important to replenish it.
Outside air has about 400ppm of co2 in it naturally so fresh is good.

When people talk about co2 increasing yield what they are doing is increasing the ppm of co2 up to 1500ppm while the lights are on. This needs to be cycled with your exhaust fan so the co2 stays in the room as long as possible before it gets too hot and the exhaust comes on.

Now adding the co2 with HID lighting (MH or HPS) will increase yields.
From what I understand you do not get the same results with flouros.

However if you do not have a fresh air source it is better then nothing.
Without co2 your plants will stall in growth.
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Well-Known Member
cruzer101 said:
Very nice. I like the blue leaf too.
Looks like you got a regular mini forest going on there.

Just a bit of info for ya. CO2 indoors: If you do not have any fresh air comming into the grow area then yes. you can use it. Your plants are at the stage where they will use all the available co2 in the air quickly so It is important to replenish it.
Outside air has about 400ppm of co2 in it naturally so fresh is good.

When people talk about co2 increasing yield what they are doing is increasing the ppm of co2 up to 1500ppm while the lights are on. This needs to be cycled with your exhaust fan so the co2 stays in the room as long as possible before it gets too hot and the exhaust comes on.

Now adding the co2 with HID lighting (MH or HPS) will increase yields.
From what I understand you do not get the same results with flouros.

However if you do not have a fresh air source it is better then nothing.
Without co2 your plants will stall in growth.
I have only one question about co2 - I know, that plants in dark period use o2 and produce co2. Is it needed, that I take out the co2 bottle at dark period?

Thank`s for stoping by and help. :)


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention, that now my closet is full with plants. My friend couldn`t continue his grow, so all his plants are in my closet. For him it was also first time. He started few days later, but had more problems than me, so they are much more smaller and damaged. I already noticed one male, three others are under question, but two of them look 75 % male.
So, this is my army of hard core:
*6 big buds (3 females, 3 unknown);
*one wild sativa-ruderalis female;
*one unknown indica bagseed (about one week old);
*3 BB cuttings (I didn`t have room for one of my friends plant, so I had to cut off top and clone it - gender unknown, two mine cuttings are females)
*4 Wild one cuttings (2 are new, 2 are more than 2 weeks old, but one, I think, is not going to make it, the other is realy speeding up)
Totally: 7 big plants, 1 new, 7 cuttings - 15 plants. (My space is 0.61 square meters)

I did cut off leafes to my friends plants, so they could get more light. Because I have situation like this, I hope two of my friends plants will be males, because there will be no space for all of them. Tomorrow I will take out all the plants, water them and take pictures of new stuff, so You could see, how they look like. If I had a veg chamberand bigger flowering closet, I definately would veg new plants and add them to flowering later.

1. picture - new indica bagseed;
2. - oldest Wild one cutting;
3. - oldest BB cutting;
4 - my friends BB cutting;



Well-Known Member
Learned something new today - cuttings need to be moist, so I have to mist them more than once in a day. When I came home, some of new cuttings were droopy. I will pay attention to them more.
Watered all plants. My friends plants have some problems - overnuted or something like that, so I didn`t risc and watered them with small amounts of nutrients. You can see the problem in pictures.
One of my plant is showing poor growth progress - I guess she is not getting enough light. So i`m starting to think - maybe I should get all cuttings I can from my smallest plant and my friends plants? There will be more space for my good plants and I will have healthy cuttings, and they will get enough light. What do You think?
If I do that, i`ts tomorrow, so any help is needed.
Wild one and shes cutting is fealing great! Growing fast and healthy. New bagseed also is showing a great progress. My two biggest BB are very beautiful. Many nice tops.

And found out in life, that taking clones from bottom is better than from top. Cuttings from the bottom are fealing great! Only the top cuttings are droopy.

Sorry, I`m tired today, so my text is a mess.
And some pictures.
Two first - new cuttings;
Third - oldest Wild one cutting;
Fourth to seventh - my friends plants;
Last one - new bagseeds;
Others are my BB and Wild one.



Well-Known Member

I have only one question about co2 - I know, that plants in dark period use o2 and produce co2. Is it needed, that I take out the co2 bottle at dark period?

Thank`s for stoping by and help. :)

Well from what I understand plants do use co2 all the time but to increase yields dramatically You take it to 1500ppm while flowering under HID lighting.

People do not run it at night because there isn't much difference and there co2 lasts longer. Can't hurt though.


Well-Known Member
cruzer101 said:

Well from what I understand plants do use co2 all the time but to increase yields dramatically You take it to 1500ppm while flowering under HID lighting.

People do not run it at night because there isn't much difference and there co2 lasts longer. Can't hurt though.
Ok, than I don`t have to worry to hurt them with co2.
Thank`s! :)


Well-Known Member
As I started to mist my cuttings frequantly, they started to feel much better.
Tomorrow will buy soil and take cuttings from plants, that aren`t growing well and throw them out, so there is more space for good plants. Sad, but that`s the best choice.
Still gonna get some bud from those cuttings.
When those cuttings will develop roots and start to grow, I will put my plants in flowering. At last!
I tie my plants down after day or two, so they don`t get too tall.

