Big Brother (i.e. Justin Trudeau government) will track cannabis seeds in Canada

The Liberails got to go way too many years of corruption, lies, it's like Trudeaus Carbon Tax costing every Canadian. $1500 plus a year more we are taxed to death in this country , money ain't going to fix Global Warming , There was palm trees & alligators in the North Pole fuck me ,if they want to help global warming the thousands of planes that are flying all over world 24/7 for senseless-things should be Stopped its the major cause of pollution , that would help a lot of things ,terrorist being number 1,
The Green party is the only one that actively supports a semi-progressive, free market approach. From their website;

To legalize cannabis sales in Ontario, the GPO supports:
1. Regulating and licensing small businesses and dispensaries to sell cannabis in a safe and controlled way
2. Ensuring tax revenues from cannabis sales are used to fund education, mental health and addiction programs
3. Conducting a pilot project to test the private retailing of cannabis by small businesses alongside the LCBO’s new stores during the first two years of legalization

Sadly the NDP support the OCRC/LCBO model, only criticising the lack of stores opening quick enough. I've been pestering the local candidate to modernise their view, I doubt they have the balls without serious external pressure.

PC don't have a position, ford has said he supports both a free market & a heavily regulated one.

No point talking about the libs, they're not worth the time.
everyone sees GREEN as in cash.not a fuckin plant thats costs nothing to grow outside...
anyone can grow enough meds to last them the year. Doesnt have to be herb..
can make all kinds of cool things .......all awesome to ingest or burn how ever one wishes..
no one needs a known source of poison....
It’s been 22 years years since the NDP had a go at running ON. How do we know how they’ll run their political agenda now? And again, could it be any worse than the last 22 years?!?!
Yes, yes it would be worse. Look at wtf the current identity politics the liberals have been using has led to, and how its played out throughout history....Jagmeet can get fucked. Talking about Canada needs to recognize its colonial past. Nuff said.
NONE of the existing political parties have anything to offer Canadians. They are all in it for personal gain. We will never change that at the polling booths. Time for a revolution and start over.
Yes, yes it would be worse.
When your done gazing into that crystal ball, can you grab me the LottoMax numbers for next week? ;)

Seriously, no one knows how the NDP would govern ON. The last time (22 years ago), was a led by a still in-the-closet Liberal, during the middle of one of the worst recession in Canadian history. Times have changed, but we’ve still been fukd over by a two-tiered party system for far to long. Something gotta change...
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When your done gazing into that crystal ball, can you grab me the LottoMax numbers for next week? ;)

Seriously, no one knows how the NDP would govern ON. The last time (22 years ago), was a led by a still in-the-closet Liberal, during the middle of one of the worst recession in Canadian history. Times have changed, but we’ve still been fukd over by a two-tiered party system for far to long. Something gotta change...

I think we all know how the NDP will govern. Free shit for the people who don't contribute and the whips and chains for the producers in society. Last election I voted FREEDOM PARTY so they would get their 2$ per ballot to continue the fight.
It's worth looking at the actual numbers around Bob Rae's gov, there's a lot of misinformation. We came out of that recession and became the leader of growth in manufacturing for a decade, not to mention all the jobs in manufacturing because of the factories he saved.

The debt load he added is insignificant compared to how much the cons/libs added after. They inherited a comparatively stable economy (especially PC that slashed everything & still drove the debt up) whereas the NDP came in during a huge loss in the manufacturing sector.
It's worth looking at the actual numbers around Bob Rae's gov, there's a lot of misinformation. We came out of that recession and became the leader of growth in manufacturing for a decade, not to mention all the jobs in manufacturing because of the factories he saved.

The debt load he added is insignificant compared to how much the cons/libs added after. They inherited a comparatively stable economy (especially PC that slashed everything & still drove the debt up) whereas the NDP came in during a huge loss in the manufacturing sector.

None of that changes the philosophy.
When your done gazing into that crystal ball, can you grab me the LottoMax numbers for next week? ;)

Seriously, no one knows how the NDP would govern ON. The last time (22 years ago), was a led by a still in-the-closet Liberal, during the middle of one of the worst recession in Canadian history. Times have changed, but we’ve still been fukd over by a two-tiered party system for far to long. Something gotta change...
So you're alright with the next party also playing identity politics as well? Perhaps another 50/50 male/female cabinet simply because"its 2015" and not based on whos qualified to help run our country? If so you're no friend of democracy, PERIOD. If you cannot recognize the most simple principles they choose to base their platform on, then wtf is the use of even listening to what they have to say.
So you're alright with the next party also playing identity politics as well? Perhaps another 50/50 male/female cabinet simply because"its 2015" and not based on whos qualified to help run our country? If so you're no friend of democracy, PERIOD. If you cannot recognize the most simple principles they choose to base their platform on, then wtf is the use of even listening to what they have to say.
I’m willing to take the chance. Will it be a letdown? Probably! Then I’ll know for sure that voting in this province is useless. Unfortunately, crystal balls are in short I’ll have to find out the hard way like everyone else.
I live in an area that has been conservative dominated for 90 years....except for 1 term....when john Tory figured he would win a shoe in after laurie scott stepped let him run...well that shit costs us locally 100,000.oo and pissed of most of the conservatives....who for once in their lives voted liberal...or ndp etc...
That dickweed john tory couldn't even get elected in cottage a shoe in
of course that didn't deter him....he went on to help fuck over Toronto....