Big Bangx3 Indoors 400w Hps

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
This is my first grow journal and only my 2nd grow so any advise welcome :leaf:

Eh where do i start . List of my equipment etc...

:leaf:3 x Big bangs feminized .
:leaf:400w hps in cooltube with ballast out room.
:leaf:cupboard grow room 2f wide 1f deep 8f high.
:leaf:home made air intake with 1 large pc fan and 1 small pc fan.
:leaf:inline fan pulling air from grow room and forcing it through cooltube and out the other side with home made carbon filter inserts in pipe work to get rid of smell ;-).
:leaf:biobizz soil.
:leaf:3 x 10 liter pots.
:leaf:bio grow nutes using 1/8th strength due to soil having nutes mixed.
:leaf:soil ph testers and water ph testers and adjuster ph .
:leaf:i keep my water at 5.5ph for my grow will explain latter why .
:leaf:think thats everything now so am roiling a spliff and start telling you history of my grow its been a rocky start :wall:

:leaf:well i bought 5 feminized big bang seeds . i germinated 3 seeds and started grow in 3 x 2liter coke bottles (cheap) the soil i use was in my hut (cheap)and this led to me have big problems with my grow in week 2 .the plants were not getting enough oxygen and the soil was to compact and not releasing the salts (pics to follow) and took 2 weeks for plants to perk up after re potting plants in pots with biobizz soil pre mix. I LEARNED NOT TO DO THINGS CHEAP WHEN CANNABIS PLANTS ARE INVOLVED :wall:

:leaf:big bang info - the strain was made for medical purposes but they would chop the plant approximately 2 weeks early before the plant was ready for chop but in 2001 some brain stoned people got there hands on it and the strain won the grow of the year :bigjoint: i researcher there grow and they used 5.5ph all the way thro the grow period and they done 9/10 weeks flowering before chop . so i dont see why i should argue with the experts on ph for my plant .:bigjoint:

:leaf: so i have just tripped my plants to 12/12 so thought i would post my grow as this is the most exiting section of the grow :bigjoint:. i will keep updating with pics and info every day

:leaf:the first 2 pics are off the plants near death in week 2 ish and the last 3 are them now with a lot of tlc . The 2 plants in the corners are lolly popped (newb at lolly pop pin plants) and the one in middle i have let grow freely just to see grow difference .:lol:




Active Member
Yo man.. :joint:
Subscribed.. :mrgreen:
Looking forward to seeing those babies full bloom! :weed:
5.5PH all the way, same as what i did.. seemed to work a treat on these two.. :eyesmoke:
Good luck..


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I shoot for PH of 5.5 - 5.7 as of 2 weeks ago with no ill effects yet. I am growing Hempy style. Your plants sure made a huge comeback. Good Luck.

scottish lad

Well-Known Member

well carried out my ph test on soil and water all ok :lol: plants look health as hell at min :bigjoint:

how much should i expect the plants to grow height wise in the flowering stage ?


Scottish Lad- I'm a Mc (i.e. big red nose, little green dick). Got a journal as well growing the Big Bang. I have pulled up a seat to your grow..Cheers

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
Scottish Lad- I'm a Mc (i.e. big red nose, little green dick). Got a journal as well growing the Big Bang. I have pulled up a seat to your grow..Cheers

got no idea what your on about m8 with mc ? post a link and al have a look at yours :bigjoint:

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
:leaf:update :

:leaf:well got home the night and seen that my wee mad machine was telling me the babys were getting dry .watered them while doin this i noticed so much more groth ie lovely wee hairs :bigjoint: popping out every where .

:leaf:the pics are took by my phone cant really see hairs to good but will get proper camera the mora for clearer pics .


Looking good. I'll be standing by for more pics!. I have 2 white rhinos and a bagseed(good stuff) going right now under a 400 watt HPS.

scottish lad

Well-Known Member
they are on there 9th day of flowering :)

this is my second grow but first with big bang cant wait ......

how far along are yours ?