Big bang auto 1st attempt.


New Member
Hello fellow farmers :)

I'm a bit late in starting this as the action has already started!

I'm day 18 from seed as of today, I'll add pic's after how I explain what I have done untill now.

Set up- 1.2x1.2 tent. 4x 15l Autopot. 600w HPS with parabolic shade.

Day 0-7 pH 5.5 water soaked rock wool cubes in a propagator in my veg room at 24'c 84% Humidity. Under 24hr light.

Day 7-14 In the Autopots now, water/nutrient at EC 1.0 pH 5.5 water temp 19-20'c room temp 27'c and 50-55% humidity. Lights on 18/6.

I'll take pics just now (day 18) of each one and on day 21 take more just to see the growth in three days, Its unreal.

If anyone can let me know if I'm doing wrong let me know as I'm reasonably new to growing.

This post is on behalf of a friend of a friend your honor.


New Member
Also to add, I am using gold label 60/40 coco/clay pebble mix.

The fourth plant had the seed casting stuck to it and is slightly behind the rest and now is plodding along well.

Next pic update on the day 21 (13/03)


New Member
Here's how I've fed so far,

0-7 days only pH'd water at 5.5

7-14 EC 1.0 using mostly ionic grow, 1ml per liter liquid o2 2ml per liter liquid silicon. pH 5.5. Water temp 19-20'c.

14-now EC 1.2 again using mostly ionic grow, 1ml per liter liquid o2 2ml per liter liquid silicon. pH 5.5. Water temp 19-20'c.

I would appreciate feedback on if I'm over feeding, could I use anything else that may help.
Also has anyone else used 15l autopots with auto's in a tent this size? I'm wondering if i could push more.


New Member
Day 21-28 E.C 1.3 pH 5.6 Still mostly grow, 1ml/l silicon & 1ml/l Liquid o2.

Im not adding Ionic bloom until I see pre-flowers, is this the best thing for Auto's?

Also noticed the coco mix is 60% clay pebbles 40% coco just to correct myself.


New Member
Day 28. These babys grow fast.

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E.C 1.4 pH 5.8 Mostly grow, silicon, Liquid o2 and calmag added.
Temps 27'c day 20'c night Humidity 50%