Big Bang and White Widow grow at 72 days flowering w/ pics


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the hash recipe m8,very very detailed and easy to follow,exactly what i was looking for, your a legend!:weed:
No problem at all. I found that method on YouTube and decided to give it a shot and I couldn't be happier with the results. I can't wait to do my second batch of hash tomorrow after I finish the trim. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
your grow is amazing man.... Im getting my first grow together now....I'll be stayin tuned to what ya do man for pointers ...Keep it up

green thumbs

Active Member
getting my first grow together i hope i can yeild as much as you id be real happy doing some g13 and blue satilight only got a 1000 hps i think i should get another 1000w light for my 11 ft by 11ft area what you think


Well-Known Member
Wow dude! Incredible! I hope you hit that 2 pound mark! I'm just starting my first grow and this is very inspiring!


Active Member
They were Greenhouse feminized seeds that I ordered through The Attitude Seedbank:

It took eight days after I paid them (via credit card shipped to a non-growing friend's address) for my seeds to arrive. I would highly recommend using them, as they were fast and very stealth.
Been lurking and learning. Great tip on the seed bank. Ask SSP where we got ours. She's the green thumb, I'm the technical/electrical guy. Speaking of electrical, I will put myself out there to answer wiring questions, even though I'm new to this. I've got more than 20 years in electrical!

Sweet grow and thanks for the play by play on the hash. We're looking forward to our first grow. Oops, gotta go get the veg cab set up. Gotta move the little girls!


Active Member
awesome job on ur grow! i too have a grow tent but it's not as big as yours, it's a 3'11"x3'11"x6'5" with a 400w light. were do you vent your air, into the room? and how is ur power bill so low? mine is usually 100-115 and im only running 1 light, fans and a dehumidifier. what do you do about Co2? forgive me for all the questions but im looking to upgrade to a bigger tent and light, something like yours and use what i have now for my veg chamber. thanks


Active Member
fabuloso job dude. i can't wait for the day i get to medicate from my own garden. i bet you like you're on cloud nine. i just wanna be able to use the stems and leaves to make some butter.
thanks for the knowledge


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the kind words, everyone and I apologize for the delay on an update. This forum was down for an entire day (at least it was on my end) and I will post the final stats and some pics later this evening. :bigjoint:
Wow man that is an amazing grow. It made me rethink how I'm going about my grow. I'm on my first one with mid-grade seeds (money is an issue at the moment). I know they won't be nearly as good as yours, but you've inspired me none the less. Can't wait to hear the final weigh in.


Well-Known Member
Wow man that is an amazing grow. It made me rethink how I'm going about my grow. I'm on my first one with mid-grade seeds (money is an issue at the moment). I know they won't be nearly as good as yours, but you've inspired me none the less. Can't wait to hear the final weigh in.
That's exactly how I did my first one too, with mid grade seeds and no ventilation. The results were less than stellar, I might add!

Anyway, the final weigh in for this grow was...







Drumroll please...







White Widow - 15.25 ounces

Big Bang - 12.25 ounces

TOTAL - 27.50 ounces

Plus 20 grams of awesome hash and some trim to make more soon (possibly tonight) so all in all I am quite pleased. I wanted to snap a few pics for you but left the camera at a friend's place. I'll take some more when it is all cured in a week or two.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words in this thread. Smoke up! bongsmilie:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
+ rep to start with...

very very impressed by your grow man, it looks amazing... i'm in wk5 of flowring my first grow and have got to say its hella addictive already!!! especially when i see grows like yours, it makes my mouth water for reals...

i have 18 ak-47 plants in an 10 sq foot grow cab that are looking pretty good rite now, hopefully will have some cola's that even compare to yours... check out my journal if you like, it is for my grow that is just starting, (clones taken last week)...

very nice grow, gl and be safe...


Well-Known Member

White Widow - 15.25 ounces

Big Bang - 12.25 ounces

TOTAL - 27.50 ounces

Plus 20 grams of awesome hash and some trim to make more soon (possibly tonight) so all in all I am quite pleased. I wanted to snap a few pics for you but left the camera at a friend's place. I'll take some more when it is all cured in a week or two.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words in this thread. Smoke up! bongsmilie:bigjoint:
mmmmmmmmmm.... pics pics!!!
i got mine <<< :joint::joint:bongsmiliebongsmilie:joint:


Well-Known Member
nice.I got me some white wid's going thru right now.Me 1 cindy put out 12.5 oz's after trim but still waiting for the dry wieght.Another week or so and we should know.
I'm runnin the same soil with all foxfarm nutes.Shit works perfect.Just follow there feeding chart and yer all set.I'm looking forward to those white widows.