Biden's State of the Union Thing

More like State of Delusion. Everything he said was either a straight out lie or seriously misleading. I can't believe people are actually buying the shit he's selling.
he did admit that illegal aliens are killing AMERICANS.
More like State of Delusion. Everything he said was either a straight out lie or seriously misleading. I can't believe people are actually buying the shit he's selling.

All politicians bend the truth a bit but most of what Biden said that strayed off the mark were little white lies compared to the constant barrage of verbal diarrhea spouted by tRump and the rest of the maga crowd.

Not only lies pouring out of tRump but treasonous plans that are unpatriotic, undemocratic and totally un-American. Any real American would be sick to their stomachs over the crap he spews.
More like State of Delusion. Everything he said was either a straight out lie or seriously misleading. I can't believe people are actually buying the shit he's selling.
  • Biden said he had created a “record” 15 million new jobs. His 14.8 million new jobs is a record for any president in the first three years, but it’s not the highest job growth rate that any president has achieved in that period of time.
  • Biden highlighted recent decreases in murder and violent crime rates, but neglected to mention that they are still coming down from their pandemic peak.
  • Biden omitted context of a Trump comment following an Iowa school shooting.
“These are announced plans for investments,” Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the center-right American Action Forum, told us in a phone interview. “They may take years to happen, or they may not happen at all.”
“He makes it seem like the investments have happened already or that they are happening this year, and they are not,” Holtz-Eakin said. “They may not come to fruition. Market conditions change.”
And, he said, while $650 billion sounds like a lot of investment, with gross capital stock in the U.S. over $69 trillion, even if that amount were invested this year, “it wouldn’t exactly transform the economy.”
  • Biden said he had created a “record” 15 million new jobs. His 14.8 million new jobs is a record for any president in the first three years, but it’s not the highest job growth rate that any president has achieved in that period of time.
  • Biden highlighted recent decreases in murder and violent crime rates, but neglected to mention that they are still coming down from their pandemic peak.
  • Biden omitted context of a Trump comment following an Iowa school shooting.
“These are announced plans for investments,” Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the center-right American Action Forum, told us in a phone interview. “They may take years to happen, or they may not happen at all.”
“He makes it seem like the investments have happened already or that they are happening this year, and they are not,” Holtz-Eakin said. “They may not come to fruition. Market conditions change.”
And, he said, while $650 billion sounds like a lot of investment, with gross capital stock in the U.S. over $69 trillion, even if that amount were invested this year, “it wouldn’t exactly transform the economy.”

More like State of Delusion. Everything he said was either a straight out lie or seriously misleading. I can't believe people are actually buying the shit he's selling.
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More like State of Delusion. Everything he said was either a straight out lie or seriously misleading. I can't believe people are actually buying the shit he's selling.
I read that article and nowhere in it did they claim Biden said "straight out lie" or even "seriously misleading". For example, Biden factually stated that the past three years have seen a record number of new jobs and that article agreed with what he said, then they moved the goalposts and said "but".

Is he wrong to say this country is back in good economic health after recovering from the shock the economy suffered under Trump's mismanagement of the Covid crisis?
"The Republican Study Committee released its annual alternative budget for fiscal 2023 back in June, which included a number of suggested reforms for Medicare and Social Security that aim to possibly prevent a looming solvency crisis for both programs. These reforms include raising the eligibility ages for each program, along with withholding payments for individuals who retire early or had a certain income, and privatized funding for Social Security to lower income taxes."

And Mike Lee, Senator from Utah, was quoted as saying that it was his goal to pull up Social Security by the roots and get rid of it.

And Nikki Haley's plan was to increase the retirement age to 70.

And Rick Scott's plan is to sunset SS after five years.

in 2015, most House Republicans, and a host of others in current leadership, voted to raise the retirement age to 70, which would cut Social Security benefits for tens of millions of seniors who paid into the system for years.

In November, John Thune, the number two Senate Republican in leadership, declared that Social Security and Medicare benefits should be slashed.

I could go on but a central tenet of GOP political philosophy is to cut "entitlements" with SS the main target.

Vote for whoever you want but don't kid yourself that GOP politicians intend to protect Social Security.
Damn right,and SO MANY piss poor white southern state residents whose pain would be addressed way more w/Dem policies continually vote R,they just can't get passed their racial hang ups and embrace the phony ass flag waving rah rah MAGA BS. In your folksy language,"Y'all gettin played",by a R party and head henchman(a yankee country clubber) whose policies will have y'all holdin a sign for work outside a HDepot parking lot w/a raging tooth ache you can't get attended because the R party killed your health benefits.Your R governed state has shitty social services and see what SS benefits look like voting R when you reach the finish line in a state that never cared/offered anything for your health.
They are using Goebbels's playbook that worked so well in WWII. Tell the big outrageous lies over and over again until they begin to sound like the truth. The more outrageous the lie the better it works compared to lies that are half truthful. tRump has even convinced many of the con leaders that should have enough intelligence to know they're lies or are falling in line as they've seen how well it works on the uneducated maga base.

That woman is deranged and just the right type to appeal to the maga base as well.

I'm fully confident that the cons will go down in flames in Nov. They're pissing off a good portion of what used to be their base who will either vote dem or not show up at the polls at all. The hardcore magats who will vote tRump no matter what are barely 30% of the whole rebub voting population.

Doesn't mean the Dems can slack off or Biden can screw up majorly. I'm pretty sure a lot of repubs watched that speech last night too and many of them will be thinking hard about many provable points Joe made.

In the meantime I'm looking forward to many entertaining hours watching tRump trying to dance his little sidesteps around his mounting court cases. Huge bond due on the 25th in his New York fraud case if he wants to appeal that one. I can hardly wait to see bus loads of migrants being dropped off in front of tRump Tower to go crap in his gold toilet. :D

Maybe he can say God told him to jump off the Trump Tower if he doesn't raise enough $$$$,not like something his rabid Evangelical base hasn't heard before,pony up BELIEVERS,amen.
bookend to a discussion about Biden's "come to jesus" joke he had with Netanyahu. Some speculated that his comment crossed the line, coming from a Catholic to a leader who is Jewish:

People should give the man a bit more credit. With his age comes a history of relationships. Despite what the right wing pundits say, he's also a perceptive and thoughtful person. He knew who he was talking to when he said that. Netanyahu knows Biden too. With that comes an understanding of what each are trying to do.
bookend to a discussion about Biden's "come to jesus" joke he had with Netanyahu. Some speculated that his comment crossed the line, coming from a Catholic to a leader who is Jewish:

People should give the man a bit more credit. With his age comes a history of relationships. Despite what the right wing pundits say, he's also a perceptive and thoughtful person. He knew who he was talking to when he said that. Netanyahu knows Biden too. With that comes an understanding of what each are trying to do.
That last bit was a really great discussion Biden had about the people who voted uncommitted here in Michigan after checking the reporter on his inflame way of saying the question to him.
bookend to a discussion about Biden's "come to jesus" joke he had with Netanyahu. Some speculated that his comment crossed the line, coming from a Catholic to a leader who is Jewish:

People should give the man a bit more credit. With his age comes a history of relationships. Despite what the right wing pundits say, he's also a perceptive and thoughtful person. He knew who he was talking to when he said that. Netanyahu knows Biden too. With that comes an understanding of what each are trying to do.
FKN A,I'm stupified by perceptions of Biden vs. Orangeman,The Commandant in Chief 2016-2020 administration had WAAAAY less on it's plate,the foreign policy shit Biden is dealing with would wilt Trump,it'd be a fkn. fiasco.Trump's only issue was the Pandemic,and his selfish concern soley for himself easily led to many deaths that could have been avoided had he possessed empathy and worried about human beings(Americans he swore to protect) over polls. I don't even want to mindFK myself imagining Trumps chaotic/inept administration dealing w/the cards Biden has been dealt.All this plainly visible yet the national narrative is that Biden is old/confused and Trump is energetic/STRONG,STRONG, STRONG. I keep hearing that word associated w/this candy-ass,spoiled shithead. The only STRONG I associate w/the draft-dodging poser is his STRONG focus on his SELF,for his SELF,AMERICAN CARNAGE for his SELF. To hear Trumps incoherent rambling on the stump in front 100% MAGA nites contrasted w/Biden in front of a 50% hostile Congress and Biden is senile????,another 180 of the obvious truth perpetuated by R's.
FKN A,I'm stupified by perceptions of Biden vs. Orangeman,The Commandant in Chief 2016-2020 administration had WAAAAY less on it's plate,the foreign policy shit Biden is dealing with would wilt Trump,it'd be a fkn. fiasco.Trump's only issue was the Pandemic,and his selfish concern soley for himself easily led to many deaths that could have been avoided had he possessed empathy and worried about human beings(Americans he swore to protect) over polls. I don't even want to mindFK myself imagining Trumps chaotic/inept administration dealing w/the cards Biden has been dealt.All this plainly visible yet the national narrative is that Biden is old/confused and Trump is energetic/STRONG,STRONG, STRONG. I keep hearing that word associated w/this candy-ass,spoiled shithead. The only STRONG I associate w/the draft-dodging poser is his STRONG focus on his SELF,for his SELF,AMERICAN CARNAGE for his SELF. To hear Trumps incoherent rambling on the stump in front 100% MAGA nites contrasted w/Biden in front of a 50% hostile Congress and Biden is senile????,another 180 of the obvious truth perpetuated by R's.
The strongest thing about that man is his odor.
FKN A,I'm stupified by perceptions of Biden vs. Orangeman,The Commandant in Chief 2016-2020 administration had WAAAAY less on it's plate,the foreign policy shit Biden is dealing with would wilt Trump,it'd be a fkn. fiasco.Trump's only issue was the Pandemic,and his selfish concern soley for himself easily led to many deaths that could have been avoided had he possessed empathy and worried about human beings(Americans he swore to protect) over polls. I don't even want to mindFK myself imagining Trumps chaotic/inept administration dealing w/the cards Biden has been dealt.All this plainly visible yet the national narrative is that Biden is old/confused and Trump is energetic/STRONG,STRONG, STRONG. I keep hearing that word associated w/this candy-ass,spoiled shithead. The only STRONG I associate w/the draft-dodging poser is his STRONG focus on his SELF,for his SELF,AMERICAN CARNAGE for his SELF. To hear Trumps incoherent rambling on the stump in front 100% MAGA nites contrasted w/Biden in front of a 50% hostile Congress and Biden is senile????,another 180 of the obvious truth perpetuated by R's.
I was in awe of how differently the pandemic was handled after Biden took over. I could see it coming if Trump had won. He was going to use the government controlled stockpiles of vaccines as patronage, doling it out to "his states" first and in fits and starts. As it was, the early days of the rollout was patchy but Joe's team responded to correct weaknesses in the delivery system and by late spring of 2021, everybody who was at highest risk from Covid and wanted it were vaccinated. Trump not only was unprepared for the job, he seemed to me to be salivating at the chance to extract whatever personal gain could be had from the situation. Inflation was inevitable too but Trump wasn't going to let the Fed respond like Joe did, raising interest rates to eventually put the brakes on inflation.
That last bit was a really great discussion Biden had about the people who voted uncommitted here in Michigan after checking the reporter on his inflame way of saying the question to him.
Then again, Capehart didn't just make up that word, genocide, he was quoting somebody who used that word to in his explanation for why he doesn't plan to vote for Biden in the fall.

I think that Biden appropriately denounced the claim that Israel is committing genocide but also acknowledged that he understood that there are good reasons for people to be alarmed and upset at the harm Israel is causing to Palestinians, especially those with family who are trapped inside Gaza. His firm but nuanced reply is beyond Trump's understanding.