Biden's lame duck presidency, what does the old guy have in his tank?

Meh he got the job done, and still has enough in the tank to get him to the next administration takes over.

He can just sell a book or two and have enough money for all the weed he could ever want for the time he has left on this planet.
Dude your living in a fucking dream..yeah open borders, crime out of control, people can't afford to feed their families. That's only a few of his GREAT accomplishments! The USA is being laughed at by the rest of the world. LMFAO he got the job done....

Now you want Kamala,Our country will be destroyed in the next four years if she gets elected.
if someones comment starts with

"the commiecuck moderation team deleted my last reply so here it is again:"

theres no point in replying its not going to stay and neither will they
That sucks that accounts (I just say accounts, because I have no clue if it is just someone triggered into hate posting or a propaganda troll trying to make your guys day a fraction worse) pull that garbage with you guys. You take a lot of incoming for us all nonstop.

Thank you.
Dude your living in a fucking dream..yeah open borders, crime out of control, people can't afford to feed their families. That's only a few of his GREAT accomplishments! The USA is being laughed at by the rest of the world. LMFAO he got the job done....

Now you want Kamala, Our country will be destroyed in the next four years if she gets elected.
I hear what your saying. The big question is if you actually believe that or are just pushing the narrative of the day?

Because if you actually believe that, we could have a pretty good discussion.
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Dude your living in a fucking dream..

For real, if you are an actual person who believes this, I am not your enemy. If you are someone who is shit posting for a paycheck, I am also not your enemy (I get people need to get paid and end up doing all kinds of shit I prefer they don't), but I do think it sucks what you are doing and hope that you warn your loved ones that you are proof that they are being brainwashed if you haven't (again not saying that you are).

So I will respond, but am not trying to get into a troll off. This site has done a really good job of cracking down on that and I want to make sure I am not adding to their plate of daily shit.

yeah open borders,
How are borders 'open'? I know that is the go to talking point. But it is just a weird concept that Trump has his militarized trolls pushing that becomes whatever it is people want it to be at any given time.

crime out of control,
Violent crime is down from the dumpster fire Trump left America in when Biden took office. So this is just wrong.

Found a solid breakdown of it:

Do you not remember 2020 at all? Shit do you think it is a coincidence that hate crimes spiked in every county Trump would visit? No way that could be because of all those 'leads' of people coming to his rally's that they then attacked with nonstop fear mongering propaganda right?

people can't afford to feed their families.
Which sucks. There is no reason that we should not be able to make sure all of our citizens have access to the necessities at all times. Are you saying that more people today are struggling under Biden than they were in 2020, Trump's last year in office?

I don't know about you, but I would have really liked to have seen the child tax credits extended. Biden and the Democrats pulling 50% of the children out of poverty for a couple years was a very important part of our recovery.

That's only a few of his GREAT accomplishments!

The USA is being laughed at by the rest of the world. LMFAO he got the job done....
Another talking point that Trump is trying to use to deflect from the fact that the world did indeed laugh at him over and over again.

This is an example of the Pee-Wee Herman troll:

Screen Shot 2024-08-08 at 10.29.59 AM.png

Biden has gotten a lot done in his 4 years on the national stage. He has outplayed the trolls like Putin time and again in the process. It has been enjoyable to watch, and to get surprised by some of the moves.

Now you want Kamala,
Define 'Now'.
Screen Shot 2024-08-08 at 10.32.43 AM.png
Screen Shot 2024-08-08 at 10.33.25 AM.png

move to Russia

Our country will be destroyed in the next four years if she gets elected.

Yup and (what was the line...........)

lol yeah. Biden and the Democrats have been killing it. And just like every election Republicans deflect from the fact that they have been in power during every economic collapse in the last half century and sit back and troll the Democrats while they clean up their messes every single time and then have economic stability for the rest of their terms even with the right wing fucknuts trying like hell to tank everything they can.

We will be fine. She will be a fine POTUS. Outside of some idiot white kids and their radicalized parents breaking shit over temper tantrums, which hopefully Republicans can step up and actually try to help stop the attack on us all instead of actively helping it because it is the only way they can win elections, and it starts to get better as 20% of our nation stop drinking Trump's Koolaid.
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For real, if you are an actual person who believes this, I am not your enemy. If you are someone who is shit posting for a paycheck, I am also not your enemy (I get people need to get paid and end up doing all kinds of shit I prefer they don't), but I do think it sucks what you are doing and hope that you warn your loved ones that you are proof that they are being brainwashed if you haven't (again not saying that you are).

So I will respond, but am not trying to get into a troll off. This site has done a really good job of cracking down on that and I want to make sure I am not adding to their plate of daily shit.

How are borders 'open'? I know that is the go to talking point. But it is just a weird concept that Trump has his militarized trolls pushing that becomes whatever it is people want it to be at any given time.

Violent crime is down from the dumpster fire Trump left America in when Biden took office. So this is just wrong.

Found a solid breakdown of it:

Do you not remember 2020 at all? Shit do you think it is a coincidence that hate crimes spiked in every county Trump would visit? No way that could be because of all those 'leads' of people coming to his rally's that they then attacked with nonstop fear mongering propaganda right?

Which sucks. There is no reason that we should not be able to make sure all of our citizens have access to the necessities at all times. Are you saying that more people today are struggling under Biden than they were in 2020, Trump's last year in office?

I don't know about you, but I would have really liked to have seen the child tax credits extended. Biden and the Democrats pulling 50% of the children out of poverty for a couple years was a very important part of our recovery.

Another talking point that Trump is trying to use to deflect from the fact that the world did indeed laugh at him over and over again.

This is an example of the Pee-Wee Herman troll:

View attachment 5415020

Biden has gotten a lot done in his 4 years on the national stage. He has outplayed the trolls like Putin time and again in the process. It has been enjoyable to watch, and to get surprised by some of the moves.

Define 'Now'.
View attachment 5415021
View attachment 5415022


Yup and (what was the line...........)

lol yeah. Biden and the Democrats have been killing it. And just like every election Republicans deflect from the fact that they have been in power during every economic collapse in the last half century and sit back and troll the Democrats while they clean up their messes every single time and then have economic stability for the rest of their terms even with the right wing fucknuts trying like hell to tank everything they can.

We will be fine. She will be a fine POTUS. Outside of some idiot white kids and their radicalized parents breaking shit over temper tantrums, which hopefully Republicans can step up and actually try to help stop the attack on us all instead of actively helping it because it is the only way they can win elections, and it starts to get better as 20% of our nation stop drinking Trump's Koolaid.

There's no point man. You're playing chess with a pigeon. :p
Dude your living in a fucking dream..yeah open borders, crime out of control, people can't afford to feed their families. That's only a few of his GREAT accomplishments! The USA is being laughed at by the rest of the world. LMFAO he got the job done....

Now you want Kamala,Our country will be destroyed in the next four years if she gets elected.
Not to worry. President Harris will get the bipartisan border deal resurrected. Crime is down, not up. Inflation is a worldwide problem and the USA has fared better than any other developed country. There is still work to do on inflation and Harris makes that a priority. My opinion is that inflation might be here for a little while as we adjust to deglobalization. One of the benefits of globalization is that we exported pollution and bought products on super cheap labor. Even with that ongoing adjustment we will still fare far better than the rest of the world because of our great resources and our great trading partners in Canada and Mexico, two countries that will also probably fare better.

What's your opinion on Trump's wish of firing missiles into Mexico? How about his tariff's plan?
Sorry. It's just such a fitting saying. down the same alley as, you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into, etc.
Exactly and it makes sense when referring to a demographic but it's demeaning and insulting when applied to someone you are in a conversation with and worse talking to someone else about them in front of them is terribly disrespectful and not all all conducive to the tough conversations that are supposed to be had here.

So any form of disrespect will torpedo it and bring it down to name calling where we have to intervene. So again we gotta be respectful of members on this forum who have different views. No matter what you may privately think of their views.
What a f*cking joke, anyone chastising Biden for pardoning his own son, Democrat, independent, and especially Republicans.

The people and circumstances of the people dumpy pardoned make Hunters bullshit gun charge ,(seldom charged) and tax charges,(all paid back), pale in comparison.

Dumpy thinks he is being mis-treated by the justice system when he has already been convicted by a jury of his peers for fraud dating back over a decade. He would have been convicted for sure on the documents charges, he wouldn't give the documents back to the government ffs.

The f'n media is having a heyday with this. Sometimes I dislike msm too.
What a f*cking joke, anyone chastising Biden for pardoning his own son, Democrat, independent, and especially Republicans.

The people and circumstances of the people dumpy pardoned make Hunters bullshit gun charge ,(seldom charged) and tax charges,(all paid back), pale in comparison.

Dumpy thinks he is being mis-treated by the justice system when he has already been convicted by a jury of his peers for fraud dating back over a decade. He would have been convicted for sure on the documents charges, he wouldn't give the documents back to the government ffs.

The f'n media is having a heyday with this. Sometimes I dislike msm too.

Yesterday I checked out the r/conservative sub on Reddit to see what the maga crowd had to say about the pardon. Was pleasantly surprised how much support there was from most.

Much of the support was in the form of back-handed compliments but supportive it was.

I have to say as a lifelong Democrat, that President Joe Biden's decision to pardon Hunter deeply saddens me. I oppose Trump with every fiber of my being which is why I am so disappointed. The democrats have been accused of turning there back on the working class party and although this is a false narrative the American people believe it, as the election has shown.
It didn't used to be that way, the working class used to vote majority Democrat, now when I drive through poor neighborhoods the houses are peppered with Trump flags. The right has successfully painted Democrats as upper class elitists who use the justice system to protect there own. That is complete nonsense of course but when it comes to winning elections unfortunately facts don't matter, what matters is the average uninformed voters perception of what's happening. Pardoning privileged kids for tax evasion is exactly what they want people to believe the Democrats stand for. By pardoning Hunter the president is playing right into the what the MAGA voters incorrectly believe the Democrats represent, President Biden has just helped the Republicans immensely.
Of course what Hunter is being pardoned for pales in comparison to the Crimes that the majority of Trump's inner circle is guilty of but that's an extraordinarily low bar, not really something to be proud of. That's like saying a sun burn is not as bad as a bladder infection.
I hold my party to a higher standard than the MAGA movement. I'm disgusted frankly, by the image that President Biden has presented of our party to the American voters. This decision plays right into Trumps hands.
I have to say as a lifelong Democrat, that President Joe Biden's decision to pardon Hunter deeply saddens me. I oppose Trump with every fiber of my being which is why I am so disappointed. The democrats have been accused of turning there back on the working class party and although this is a false narrative the American people believe it, as the election has shown.
It didn't used to be that way, the working class used to vote majority Democrat, now when I drive through poor neighborhoods the houses are peppered with Trump flags. The right has successfully painted Democrats as upper class elitists who use the justice system to protect there own. That is complete nonsense of course but when it comes to winning elections unfortunately facts don't matter, what matters is the average uninformed voters perception of what's happening. Pardoning privileged kids for tax evasion is exactly what they want people to believe the Democrats stand for. By pardoning Hunter the president is playing right into the what the MAGA voters incorrectly believe the Democrats represent, President Biden has just helped the Republicans immensely.
Of course what Hunter is being pardoned for pales in comparison to the Crimes that the majority of Trump's inner circle is guilty of but that's an extraordinarily low bar, not really something to be proud of. That's like saying a sun burn is not as bad as a bladder infection.
I hold my party to a higher standard than the MAGA movement. I'm disgusted frankly, by the image that President Biden has presented of our party to the American voters. This decision plays right into Trumps hands.
Ya it’s not a good look, I was a bit saddened by it.
I have to say as a lifelong Democrat, that President Joe Biden's decision to pardon Hunter deeply saddens me. I oppose Trump with every fiber of my being which is why I am so disappointed. The democrats have been accused of turning there back on the working class party and although this is a false narrative the American people believe it, as the election has shown.
It didn't used to be that way, the working class used to vote majority Democrat, now when I drive through poor neighborhoods the houses are peppered with Trump flags. The right has successfully painted Democrats as upper class elitists who use the justice system to protect there own. That is complete nonsense of course but when it comes to winning elections unfortunately facts don't matter, what matters is the average uninformed voters perception of what's happening. Pardoning privileged kids for tax evasion is exactly what they want people to believe the Democrats stand for. By pardoning Hunter the president is playing right into the what the MAGA voters incorrectly believe the Democrats represent, President Biden has just helped the Republicans immensely.
Of course what Hunter is being pardoned for pales in comparison to the Crimes that the majority of Trump's inner circle is guilty of but that's an extraordinarily low bar, not really something to be proud of. That's like saying a sun burn is not as bad as a bladder infection.
I hold my party to a higher standard than the MAGA movement. I'm disgusted frankly, by the image that President Biden has presented of our party to the American voters. This decision plays right into Trumps hands.

Man if I were 82 (Biden) and was looking at spending even a single remaining day talking to my son through glass I’d pardon my boy too. The democrats need to wake the fuck up and start playing to win. Decorum and rule of law-with its minefield of loopholes-is halfway out the window. I’m sick of seeing (random democrat official) saying (random republican official) is breaking some law…if they’re breaking the law FUCKING DO SOMETHING. If it’s more of a ohhhhh welllll you’re just not supposed to do it thaaaaat way bullshit grow some teeth, get in the mud and start fighting because the well intentioned hand wringing is starting to feel complicit.
Man if I were 82 (Biden) and was looking at spending even a single remaining day talking to my son through glass I’d pardon my boy too. The democrats need to wake the fuck up and start playing to win.
Biden has just made it harder for Democrats to win future elections.
Biden promised that he would not use his presidential powers to pardon Hunter, that he trusted in the process. Then he did exactly what he promised the American people that he wouldn't do.
Leading up to the election, when polled, most voters said that they didn't trust either party. This decision by Biden further bolsters the average voters preconceived belief that it doesn't matter who you vote for, except one side(erroneously) promises to make everything cheaper than it is right now, that's not good for Democrats.

I'm bummed
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