Biden mishandles classified documents

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Canadians wind up being pretty over represented in the shows I like, yall put out quality entertainment. At least half the time I go out to look up an actor or more info on a show it winds up being from Canada.
We're sneaky like that, y'all should hear my southern accent! I could even vote without ID in some redstates!
Thank you for the answer, though I was curious what he did that was so bad during his tenure, not after the election.
The insurrection and seditious conspiracy happened during his tenue as president, on Jan 6th, before the inauguration on the 20th and was an attempt to prevent it by illegal and violent means.
I'm not insulting anyone. I honestly think Biden is the worst president in history that I know of. I hated Hillary, but she looks like an Saint now, :lol:. I just don't understand how some of you guys can honestly think he's doing a good job.

The more you dig in the harder it gets to get back to reality, once sucked in most stay sucked in. Not a bad word about Trump, but Biden is somehow bad without proper explanation or supporting evidence, it was a bold broad claim spoken in absolute terms and needs to be backed up by evidence.

Something to contemplate from a well known liberal and wise man.
The more you dig in the harder it gets to get back to reality, once sucked in most stay sucked in. Not a bad word about Trump, but Biden is somehow bad without proper explanation or supporting evidence, it was a bold broad claim spoken in absolute terms and needs to be backed up by evidence.

Something to contemplate from a well known liberal and wise man.
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I actually live here so it's easy to see what's happening around me.
I actually live here so it's easy to see what's happening around me.
What is happening around you that is Biden fault? What is your burning issue(s)? The republicans have no platform as we witness with the chaos caucus and the debt ceiling, governing by hostage taking. What alternatives are there? What do republican stand for, what policies, what principles? Are you pro fascist? Anti climate change? Bigoted? Scared? What fear could drive you to such despicable people and miscreants, George Santos is a good example, he's a feature, not a bug.
What is happening around you that is Biden fault? What is your burning issue(s)? The republicans have no platform as we witness with the chaos caucus and the debt ceiling, governing by hostage taking. What alternatives are there? What do republican stand for, what policies, what principles? Are you pro fascist? Anti climate change? Bigoted? Scared? What fear could drive you to such despicable people and miscreants, George Santos is a good example, he's a feature, not a bug.
Why do you keep changing the subject? Read the title of this thread again.
With all due respect Mr. Herb & Suds, exactly what did Trump do that made him the worse president in our history:.
Asking due to not knowing.
are you an American? or do you just not look at any kind of media at all?
the most glaring thing he did was stage an attempted coup, recruiting slates of false electors to steal a legitimate election that he lost, during which he also incited rioters at the US capital building on Jan. 6th, to break into the building and lynch mike pence, who they could not find, fortunately or unfortunately, depending upon how you look at it...
that is the single largest crime he committed, and that alone is more than enough to place him as worst...other presidents have been bad, but not one single one every tried to install himself as emperor for life.
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