Bhuddist Colony


Well-Known Member
I already got you covered on the Datura and Morning Glory supply. Plant some and watch them prosper =)


Well-Known Member
Haha 3 Palms full of Datura seeds, Couple Handfuls of morning glorys then they have to smoke the salvia out of the Bamboo bong ^^


Well-Known Member
Three handfuls, I'm pretty sure would kill you. You'de have to eat the Datura tree fruit. You trip for like 15 days.


Well-Known Member
Nice post Gutter. There are people who would seriously do this, but there's a catch. You would have to unite everyone first & then people would have to abandon FEAR. If these two factors could become reality than so could this idea. Check out the Earthship communities in New Mexico - one of the best ideas I've ever seen. If you could get a decent piece of land that's really all you need. Imagine everyone working together to provide for each other. We could have farmers, fishers, hunters, people to make clothes & anything else you can think of. Engineers to harvest natural energy, water workers, absolutely everything & the best part is money would be useless as it would be an honest trade system. You would have to contribute to the community to survive.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to check up on that right now. Sounds hella tight.

We should just go to the Rainbow Gathering.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone interested in natural sustainable communities check out Earthship Biotecture. The guy Michael Reynolds is an absolute genius in my opinion. I would love to establish a Earthship Cannabis Community - that would be like a dream come true.


Well-Known Member
They use all natural elements - off the grid. Their energy is produced through solar & wind. Their water is harvested rain water which then goes through this system which provides water for faucets,showers,the toilet, indoor garden, & whatever else. The Earthship is fitted with an indoor garden that produces fruits & vegtables. Do a search because it is way to elaborate to explain, but these places & how they build them is incredible.


Well-Known Member
That's right. Check it out on youtube - should be a couple videos. It's in Taos,NM. but there are Earthships all over the world.


Well-Known Member
Nice useful posts as for land, I own 58 acres full of deer and fish, spring fed creeks, dirt roads, caves, retired neighbors haha.
Ohh and patches of Morel Mushrooms mmmmmmmm

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Well-Known Member
Three handfuls, I'm pretty sure would kill you. You'de have to eat the Datura tree fruit. You trip for like 15 days.
I've only tried the seeds and they diddn't kill me, I measured them in palm fulls, about 5 of them, worst thing that happened(other then the ridiculus delerious feeling) was my eyes being fucked up for a couple weeks :-? Datura is no recreational drug as i found out.

I love the idea, of this shamanistic subculture, living off the land. I think any participant would find a part of him or her that he/she diddn't know they had.
and come out much stronger overall.


Well-Known Member
With an experience like this of good times and bad times, you'd come out knowing yourself much better, and when you've really come into touch with yourself your in a position to start helping other people :peace:

Have you ever noticed the feeling you get from giving and receiving random acts of kindness from others? It makes me glad to be human.