BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

decarboxilation ... why a lot of us get goo should be stressed as well.. those repetitive questions people always ask..

types of solvent and there effectiveness.. butane gets da waxes.. etoh gets da chlorophyll..

guess we should put info up on parchment and slick pads.. (surfaces)

boiling points of solvents is veryyy nice to refer to ..

what your next meal is.. :] we need to include pictures of dank food as well.. just to keep it appealing :]

this thread gonna probably be bumped for a minute while thoughts accumulate. bare with!
i think there needs to be a FAQ and then a beginners guide and then an advanced guide.

FAQ, why wont it wax?
how purged does it need to be to be able to smoke?
fats and waxes and not what causes it to wax up...
how hot is too hot?
when does perma goo happen?
what is perma goo?(we are going to coin this term lol)

beginners guide would the very min, required to make bho without a vac chamber and pump
how to do it safely and educate on what they are actually working with
i think it should touch on whipping pros and cons
thin layer method pros and cons
soaking method
how to make a cheap vac chamber out of a mason jar and hand pump, to see if that is a direction they want to go to spend the coin on the setup (i actually would take a mason jar poke holes in the lid and then put my oil in the jar then i put it in my vac sealer and vac sealed it and would put it in my attic and get a waxy puddy like consistency, Texas summers attic is easily 140)
anyways back to topic just different ideas to let people get as close to a properly vacpurged bho as possible

advanced guide would have everything
vac chambers to tamisium extractors
the details of consistences and how to achieve each one
what changes the color indicas sativas fresh old
Hey guys great thread you've made. I'm brand new to the bho vac thing and I was looking on line for more info about it and found your thread. You guys have taken a lot of time to post tons of info and ideas on here that are very helpful to say the least.

I'm currently purging my first try at honeycomb. My starting product has been sitting around for about 2 months and it's a mix of some sugar shake and small popcorn buds of OG. I flower my OG for 10.5 weeks till I get about 30-40% amber trichs. I think that combined with the fact that my starting material is a couple months old has given me a bit darker of an oil to work with. Although the starting color of the oil after the initial extraction spray was much lighter in color than my heated oil color after going in the vac chamber. I think I may have over heated the oil while purging it. At times the oil had reached up to 135F and I've read that OG oil doesn't like temps over 100F. It's very tricky not letting the heat creep up on you too much. I have also read that different strains will react differently at different temperatures. So I have been finishing up this batch at a very low 85F oil temp. And it's finally starting to dry up and honeycomb now after 3 days of playing with different temps.

I read the first 50 pages of this thread then jumped to this last page because it is getting late and I want to ask you guys a question that I didn't notice anybody had talked about in the first 50 pages I read. Sorry if you guys covered it at a later time in the thread.

So my question is: Has anybody tried using fresh off the plant (not dried or cured at all) buds for immediate butane extraction? I've seen the term "fresh" starting material used. But I think people mean fresh in the way as freshly dried buds. Also I wonder if I can use fresh frozen sugar trim not dried?
When we process our plants I immediately freeze the sugar trim for future bubble extraction material usually. So I am wondering if I can use my frozen sugar trim for bho extraction without drying it? Has anyone tried this with either fresh off the plant buds or fresh non dried sugar trim? If so please tell us your experience and results with doing this.

If no one has tried it I may have to be the guinea pig :smile:
i have not all my trim sits in a kitty pool for 6 to 7 days then i blast
i think they had a thread about it i dont know if any one has done it
the crew will chime in, in the next 24 hours
I'm not a big bho guy.. but I extract with basically the same method whether its iso butane hexane or etoh.. I always prefer fresh frozen...meaning chop the plant and put it directly in the freezer...
Thats how I've done my last few runs with fresh frozen material. Have you noticed a difference or have you tried freezing then chopping?
You talking to me bro?

This is how I do
(Fan leaves removed, mainly to prevent wax absorption) Larf fluffiness stays whole as the solvent easily makes its way in..dense nugs are snipped off the stem and frozen, then cut up with scissors, cutting while fresh let's the plant juices come out along with chlorophyll....ideally though I don't cut the bud at all, but I can only do that with my stringier sat's......fresher the better in my opinion..water evaps at about the same rate as some terps, though I've never experimented with extracting good cured bud.. before cyclization to the delicious terpenoids ect they taste very floraly and some describe as soapy which coincides with the chem composition (occurs before trichs amber so mainly premature bud will taste this way)..I harvest mainly clear/ cloudy and get delicious oil that has a real nice in that regard taste may be improved on cured bud(it doesn't really cure while hanging and yes it will cure after extraction)....but fresh frozen will always be more potent even if just slightly....I make my hash oil with the intent to get as little degradation as possible, it takes a very small percentage of cbn cbd etc to bring the high down..and quite honestly I want it as manic as possible...cbd and cbn are extremely stable in comparison..roughly 20% of degraded thc forms cbn the rest delta 8 which is also still somewhat unstable to degrade again...all the while your cbd levels are basically staying the same.. this increase in cbn and steady cbd rates make for a more "medicinal" night time smoke...I want the raciness of my high thcv strains....ah I think I rambled...I'm smoking right now while typing
Ya I was just asking if you'd experimented with it at all. I have been just loosely chopping the buds before I froze them. This time I froze them whole, and will chop or break them up before I wash them.
yoooo. im pretty sure fresh off the plant is the way to go..

if it were i. i would scissor up the fresh plant as fine as possible.. i think grinders will get clogged up.. just try and get your material broken down.. then store, preferably packed in tube you will be blasting in.. i would also wrap the tube with some food wrap or so to prevent any more moisture build up..

i dont prefer to use the fresh plant do to how hard it is to break down compared to when it is dry.. i prefer a nice cool quick dry.

i just got a small plant, nug and all attached! :] early cut down as well. afgoo. i'll try and show her off.

let her dry for a couple days, now she seems ready. fresh frozen is delicious though
I don't think I ever ran fresh material I'm gonna have to try that, makes sense tho less time for the terps n what not to break down, I would think more moisture would make its way into the end product calling for a longer purge?
Hey guys thanks a lot for all of your input. Well we are chopping some OG this weekend so I'm going to try it out. I also have some fresh of the drying rack OG to try too to compare it too. I think I went to warm with the stuff I have in the vac right now cause it isn't waxing up. It bubbles but wont wax and it's been 4 days now it's been in on full vac :(
I'll keep you guys posted and get some pics on my progress.
Well I have been experimenting a lot over these 4 days with temperatures :? I got it too warm, then I had it too cool while I was gone for the day so when I got back it was just sitting in the chamber not moving. Then last night it was looking good like it was starting to dry out with honeycomb starting but I left it on over night with the griddle set at 120 but that was too high for this oil because over those 10 hrs I didn't check on it and when I came back to it the oil in the vac crept up to almost the same temp as the griddle which is too warm for this og oil cause it just melted back to a warm bendable mass.

I think I'm too far gone with this test batch. It's only 10 grams so I'll just keep it as a taffy and smoke it as that. Time to start new with some good beginning product.
Hmm, try upping your temp...also, somthing I think I noticed, if you take the oil out of vac while its waxing I think that lessens the liklyness of it to comb and will more so end up with the buddery wax...but ill have my griddle on 150 and my oil won't even be 120 in chamber soooo..
I tried a lot of different temps and when I went over 100 it just got really melty. Yes I have a temp gun. I was checking the oil with the temp gun as often as I could to see what temps made the oil do different things. When I took the oil out to fold it into the center of parchment I temp it each time and later when it was stable I was checking the temp I would guess every few hours unless I was out or sleeping. It went past the shatter state a while back cause I took it out at one time to let it cool to see if it would be solid, sticky, malleable or what and it completely broke like glass at room temp. So I put it back in the vac, warmed it and continued purging. It just doesn't want to dry out at all. If it gets too warm it just melts to soft oil, if too cool it just doesn't move. It has sat there slowly bubbling now for so long and it just won't change it's state.
pics will help
I had grow pics on another forum before and I was told to be careful posting pics cause people can get you're location from them or stuff like that. Is there some truth to that? I have an IPhone so I know I've heard you have to turn your gps location stuff off on the phone but is there any other safety stuff I have to worry about with posting pics from my phone?