BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

We still get light amber after a 2 hour soak in a thermos, so don't be shy. You might consider a 30 minute soak for bragging rights, followed by another hour and a half for the rest.

That's kinda what I've been ya I won't be shy next time.
Would you do your second soak session immediately after the first or do you wait for the nug to dry again?
It's still cold enough outside that barely any butane evaporated out of the jar during the soak but I will be using a prechilled thermos when summer rolls around.

I will have pics of the finished product later today and I will be doing another run of just sugar leaves and a few stems that were covered in trichs. Do you suggest performing a second wash of the "trim" quality material? I know some ppl say Iso is probably better for a second wash cause it can extract more oils quicker that butane, but each time i've tried it the iso just turned green only a few second into the wash, and that's just a major turn off for me.
What's your best suggestion on what to do with material after the BHO run? Or just toss it after it seems butane isn't extracting anything more?
At this point i'm curious why I didn't yield as much as when I did my last run with with LCOG, maybe it's because I soaked for little shorter time and possibly because i packed the jar pretty tight. I'm going to loosen it up and divide among two jars from a second wash, break up any chunks of nug.
I'm going to run this tooIMG_20130329_110358_722.jpgthe sugar leaves. Forgot to weigh before i packed the jar...oh well. I plan on doing atleast a 1.5hr soak with this one.
yo! i went ahead and made a nug breaker downerr errrr.. hope it works!

1/4 inch hardware cloth
wood screws

I pour one out and the other in immediately, using 0F butane.
Sweet thanks. I've done that except my butane will only be as cold as it will get in my freezer don't have a deep freezer.

Sorry guys I didn't have time to post pics before I left for easter trip. But I don't know whether to call it shatter or not. It bends if you're gentle or if its warmed up in your hand. But it chips or breaks under quick movements. It has bubbles in it cause I keep playing with it.

I'll be updating more tomorrow night.

Can't wait to get home...the trip was awesome from the back door to the car but then the dog threw up and then threw up again bit on my leg this time lol needless to say a little bit of a buzz kill but at least I have an excuse to chill in my sweats all weekend!

Take it easy chaps!
well I think im starting to get the hang of this. boiled it off with warm/cold water. got some nice big snotty looking chunks in the initial purge:

cracks aint getting any smaller...

right after purge... chunky:

melting, still looks a little chunky:

pure liquid:

after a few hours at 100-110 and full vac with pump running for 4-5 hours and got this, not sure what to do now:

I then put it into the chamber at 80f or so and eventually ended up with this after falling asleep from a nap. also.. I put a rag over the exhaust port of the vac pump. it ran for 4-5 hours today and the rag was wet with pump oil/moisture.. also notice that my pump oil is getting low. where do I get this stuff from? and what is that steam coming out of the exhaust port on my vac pump?? surely not still moisture from the chamber after pulling for 4 hours???
Wish I could post pictures from my phone. I personally think shatter and the "honey " form looks more appealing and cooler than wax.

seems like some fucking faggot erased my last posts regarding wax and honeycomb being an incomplete form so I will post it again.

"First off if you get honey comb from vac purging you are not doing it right, the videos on youtube that show people half ass vacuuming and then letting cool down before fully purged so it will hold that honeycomb structure. A group of cats I know whip their shit the second they are done spraying and leave it in a way too small container [thick film purging] in a hot car for three or four days.
I am so sick of people wanting to ruin their oil. Keep that shit sexy. Honeycomb and wax are NOT the desired results of anyone who knows what they are doing. Wax or honeycomb means you left undesirables in your oil. If you don't believe me maybe you will believe one of the smartest men on this website, I am sure Jump177 would love to hop in here and clarify some things."

"im with hammalamma 100% on this

this whole wax/honeycomb fad is such bullshit, and really irritating because of the fact that so many smokers are being misinformed by idiots and perpetuating that mis-information

wax/honeycomb IS AN INFERIOR PRODUCT. it has much more surface area exposing much more of the oil to oxygen and light. Your cannabinoids and terpenes will NO DOUBT degrade faster in wax/honeycomb form that a hard sap/shatter.

the ultimate product is TOTALLY CLEAR sap or shatter like oil. this means you have gotten the impurities removed to the point where your sample is visibly clear, like you can scan a fucking barcode through it.

Now that said, wax/honeycomb CAN be good, if you start with such a product as which I just described (clear sap/shatter) But it is still the same product, just with air whipped into to make it waxy. Is that any better??? NO"

"Crumbly wax is terrible and harsh after a hit off the nail. You do not want wax / budder and need to aim for clear sap / shatter as mentioned before. Honeycomb is just a gimmick do not fall into it. Basically all club wax is not worth the money until sap / shatter take over as it should. It is just harder to make good sap / shatter than to blast scrape and single vac into honeycomb without properly purging the oil. It is about getting the product out fast and making money for them and honeycomb is perfect for that."

"you say oil is harsher than wax because it is an "oil"

take your wax, apply heat with heatgun or lightly with a flame until it melts back to oil. is it magically harsher now because its an "oil" vs "wax"???

wax is not dried out oil. it is oil with air whipped into it. oil left to "dry out" is simply underpurged oil with gas escaping from it, which causes it to form the budder/wax state.

wax is also less dense because of all the air. a giant dab of wax may be equal in weight to a small dab of shatter, because the shatter is so dense."

some good reading there... take what you want from it. I am still not sure whos right and whos wrong about the who wax debate??!
not too bad for a few $ :]

this grinder just made things wayyyyyyyy easier :]


a few slides back and forth broke down 26 grams in just a few minutes :]


i need to maybe swap this tube for one about half its size


im working on the muffin ball as we speak, purtyyy colors :]
no, when I came back it wasnt moving. I think I would need to bump the heat up a tad but im scared to perma melt it.

wow thats a lot of paper in your tube. does that really help??
wow thats a lot of paper in your tube. does that really help??

the paper was used for filler ,. yes it does help.. you cant have all these open spaces in your tube, or else you get an inconsistent flush..

i had to use 2 cans of tane, but .. still got a decent pull..

you gotta bump up the heat man.. or you can just stop. im sure it taste good as is..
im scared to perma melt it.
if your material is pretty much not sticky to the touch at room temp, you are safe to bump up heat, and not goo fo lifeeeeeeeeeee.. if its already sticky, and doesnt tear apart without leaving a mess.. i'd stop there..
got some resultsssssssssssssssss

so, i started out with an entire plant..

this plant was 1/2 of an experimental run.. I grew this scb with only fox farms ocean forest soil, and PHd water the entire cycle.. ( i also did this to a pk) i had no feed cycle for these babies..

HEAVILY NEGLECTED intentionally.. I wanted to see how far the plant could go, and it could go the entire way! :] now, the bitch looked beat for about the entire 2nd part of her life :p but she kept kicking.. I've been doing nothing but learning...

hung her up to dry for 5 days, then chopped down nugs off stem, placed into a curing jar for 1 day.. thennnnn, used my large grinder to easily prepare my baking :p

26 grams in..
melted down at 130F purged a couple hours
bumped up heat to 140s, purged over night
woke up to this, 145F

the current look, since i aint in no rush, gonna throw back into chamber, 149F :]

Finally are my results.
I did 2 runs both soak method. 27.5g LostCoast bud packed pretty tight into mason jar, and my second run was trim with some trich covered stems. I'm thinking the butane extracts slightly better when the bud isn't packed so tight, but not positive on that yet. I know it's good to pack your columns pretty tight if i'm correct but that's under the principal if you have big air pockets that's technically less time that a given amount of butane actually makes contact with a given amount of material. So i'm not sure if I should also be packing my jars tight when soaking...i guess by packing the jar tight i'd still be utilizing the butane better because it's soaking more material with a given amount of butane.
I used about 1.5 cans of butane.
I used my warming pad used fro germing or cloning to help keep the dish warm while it purged outside(45F). I did not take a picture of the first run on the warming pad but here is a pic of my run with trim.
The pad gets to about 105 if you set it on carpet or about 90F on my kitchen counter. Outside it was only hitting around 78F.
My screen after straining the trim jar. I'll soak my screens in iso after i get a few more built up.
I've got a leak in my vac system somewhere cause I lost about 10inHg over the hr and I was in too much of rush to get packed up and leave town to fix it. I'm going to submerse my chamber and put a little pressure into it to see if I find bubbles.This is my bud run after it vac'd for about an hr at 120F then I played with it folding it and pealing it. wasn't a great idea because it introduced a bunch of air into it but whatever it was fun.
I apologize for not having any pics during vacuum.
Still a lot of air bubbles in it so I will throw it back in the vac now that i'm back home and have time to find my leak. It's not rock hard, I can bend it around if I'm gentle or if it's warmed in my hand but chunks will break right off after i stab it with the dabber and give 'er a quick pull. I can touch it for a couple seconds and doesn't stick to my finger. Tastes better than the last wax I made by a little bit. Again the LCOG is very heady and hits you immediately. I personally can't tell if i can taste any butane or any chemical-like flavors. So far i'm satisfied but I know it's not perfect. I'm not even trying to get a specific appearance out of my BHO I just want a good purge for sure, and i feel these could probably use more purging. I did top a bowl with some from the trim and it just melted right down, no funny business.
Left is the first run with bud, right is second run with trim. so far yield for them is 2.4g and 1.4g respectively.
I let the trim run soak for 3hrs...not on purpose but I needed more parchment paper before i could strain it and traffic was SHITTY!
I used a 28micron screen for the bud run and a 76micron for the trim run just to see if my 76 would let much crap through.

Well I'm going to grab a bite to eat and I'll be back so see if anyone's had a chance to take a look.
Please tell me straight up what you think and any suggestions you may have at this point.