BHO & Trim

Lol, okay buddy who was asking about yields but now apparently is an expert!! People these days! You seem pretty confidant in your knowledge for just asking the Internet about yields because you didn’t know... what a fucking idiot.
haha word thanks for the name calling.

Next time i’ll state my opinions first and say hey are these on par?

I was simply saying i thought like two of the yields you posted seemed high. Not sure how that’s a bad thing. I was saying i wouldn’t have expected it that high.

but you’ve got a attitude and clearly are processor of the year.
Not to mention rollitup is not my only source for this stuff, simply asking some opinions.
I was Just messing with you man. I had assumed you're working with like a 2lb cls and a vac purge bucket or something making a 2 or 3 ounces at a time. But I agree with the op in that you really should charge more and be less philanthropic.
Think of it this way, you say you'd do this for $50 and it's 2 days in the oven for you.
That's 2 days it took you to make $50!
Nice extra spending money, a tank of gas maybe, perhaps you make some new friends but nobody can live like that. if you're making quality stuff you should want to set yourself apart from the backyard/garage alchemist. To borrow your analogy, most people prefer to take their car to the dealership rather than the neighborhood shade tree mechanic. It costs more yes but piece of mind is priceless. Know what I'm saying?
I'd guess if people started bringing you serious weight and you started doing this full time your prices would go up.
My analogy obviously went way over your head.
haha word thanks for the name calling.

Next time i’ll state my opinions first and say hey are these on par?

I was simply saying i thought like two of the yields you posted seemed high. Not sure how that’s a bad thing. I was saying i wouldn’t have expected it that high.

but you’ve got a attitude and clearly are processor of the year.
Not to mention rollitup is not my only source for this stuff, simply asking some opinions.
Funny, as soon as you got an opinion you didn’t like....
haha word thanks for the name calling.

Next time i’ll state my opinions first and say hey are these on par?

I was simply saying i thought like two of the yields you posted seemed high. Not sure how that’s a bad thing. I was saying i wouldn’t have expected it that high.

but you’ve got a attitude and clearly are processor of the year.
Not to mention rollitup is not my only source for this stuff, simply asking some opinions.
Apparently you’re a fan of low yields, expensive services and supporting “the man” and all the other bandwagon scientists who joined the game over the last decade. You were all meant for each other. I originally posted to help you get a better perspective, away from the people who have a stake in keeping your prices high.
Apparently you’re a fan of low yields, expensive services and supporting “the man” and all the other bandwagon scientists who joined the game over the last decade. You were all meant for each other. I originally posted to help you get a better perspective, away from the people who have a stake in keeping your prices high.
lol ok Jay
lol ok Jay
I can be a dick. I should be nicer.. I’m sorry. People shouldn’t be dicks like I was. ☹ I guess some things in my past jade me, and I need to work on that, a lot.
You get what you can in your area, extraction wise, but always remember you can try out extracting for yourself and learn a new branch of trade. Also, good luck with your plants. I’ve been enjoying the hobby too!
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I can be a dick. I should be nicer.. I’m sorry. People shouldn’t be dicks like I was. ☹ I guess some things in my past jade me, and I need to work on that, a lot.
You get what you can in your area, extraction wise, but always remember you can try out extracting for yourself and learn a new branch of trade. Also, good luck with your plants. I’ve been enjoying the hobby too!
haha Id love to run my own stuff. I might try solventless but butane scares me , for me to run lol
I can be a dick. I should be nicer.. I’m sorry. People shouldn’t be dicks like I was. ☹ I guess some things in my past jade me, and I need to work on that, a lot.
You get what you can in your area, extraction wise, but always remember you can try out extracting for yourself and learn a new branch of trade. Also, good luck with your plants. I’ve been enjoying the hobby too!
Wouldn't that make him a bandwagon scientist? Especially so if he chooses to make butane wax derivatives, rather than the hundred other ways humans have been making concentrates for millennia? Are you not a bandwagon scientist yourself being its what was trending on Google 10-15 years ago and you wanted to reverse engineer the shatter you tried?
Kidding, no offense I'm just yanking your proverbial chain.
I know what you're saying and how "they" may have left you jaded. There are a lot of people out there claiming to be experts after jumping in the middle without any previous education and experience. Thats because this industry simply didn't exist 20 years ago. It's like y'all took the endless text book of o chem and sciences, opened up at the middle then started reading from the inside out.
But there is also many processors our there who crossed over and applied their science, chemistry, engineering knowledge experience and education to cannabis because the rising industry demanded it. Everything you are doing and know and why it's so easy for you is because of them and something much much bigger.
Sounds like you're doing this all yourself on the side for friends and family out of your home and not as a licensed business with overhead or your primary source of income. No offense. Don't be so sensitive. I'm just stating how processors look at it. We are really not greedy assholes and the op didn't get taken as you were implying.
It shouldn't take 2 days in the purge btw. Very inefficient. That's time and money wasting. The purge chamber is valuable real estate.
Where are you at ? Sounds like we should all send our stuff to you. If I send you 50lbs what would you charge? like $100? Can you turn it out in 2 days?