if you are new to bho it's a lengthy procedure and takes many times of practice to perfect.
be careful when using the catalyst (vector gas) don't get cheap stuff and take care to not catch yourself on fire..i've done it several times in the past 3 years and still have not perfected.
please read through instructional threads here before attempting..then google what vector gas or bho burns look like when you catch on fire just so you know what you're getting into and mentally prepare yourself..DO NOT do it while you are stoned.
there's a reason it costs $50/gram.
ok.. first .. not trying to be a asshole.. but if u have caught yourself on fire SEVERAL TIMES in 3 years.. me.. personally.. i would stop making BHO.... i have been making bho for only 5 months.. about 30 runs.. 3 tubes a run.. and lately been repacking so i run 9 tubes for the last 10 runs.. and not even close to catching on fire.. u just need to understand the SOLVENT your working with before u start working with it ..
#1 research the solvent.. Butane.. if ur using most of the butane out there. its a mix.. of Iso-Butane. N-Butane. and Propane.. ... Butane is heavier then air.. so if your going to extract using a fan.. make sure its a spark proof fan.. if ur going to allow the butane to actually go threw the fan blades and behind the fan.. i put a BoxFan.. on the ground.. on high.. and do this outside.. on a DECK.. so that the fan . is pushing the butane off the deck.. and since im on the second floor when doing this.. is blows it DOWN and away from me.. causing a very unlikely chance of getting caught on fire... then ..
#2.. never bring your lighters. or Cigs or any weed with you... if ur like me.. and dont do anything without getting smoked up first.. u will smoke before... just remember.. u are working in an area that could potentially explode.. so becareful.. also make sure ur not wearing a bunch of shit that will make STATIC ELECTRICITY.. u basicly wana make sure before u start spraying.. that no1 will walk out there with a cig.. or anything.. or no electronics will make a spark.. i dont even bring my cell phone . nothing .. just my gear. Gloves .. oven mits and my butane and tubes and glass.. and ill have my water ready inside.. so i can just go grab it quickly. . but just always always like the dude above me said.. look at others explosions.. and burns.. and try to see were they went wrong.. and DONT DO THAT.. i have never had a close call.. or nothing .. knock on wood but.. still i made sure that my situation is safe before even bothering to try.. and i researched growing for 5 years.. before i tried it .. i researched bho for about a 3 months of almost everyday.checking others techniques.. seeing why they blew themselves upp... and shit. then i did a small run.. quick. 1 -2 cans.. got my situation under control . and started blowing.. 3 days a week i was runnin .. getting rid of all my old trim and shit.
#3 Purge your pyrex outside.... ok.. there are usually 2-3 purges during this process.. your initial purge... getting most of the liquid butane out... then your second purge.. usually a waterbath. that gets most of the butane out.. and 3rd the vacuum purge or final waterbath with top heat/ heat gun/ torch/ watever u need to make this work.. that gets out the remaining butane..
the first purge.. NEEDS TO BE DONE OUTSIDE... or u risk blowing yourself up.. especially because most of us.. do not have lab grade exhausts or even the right equipment to do this indoors.
once most of the butane is out.. and ur left with an almost hard sap.. thats wen u bring indoors and finish.. but beware.. the first bigger bubbles u see will still have a good amount of butane inthem.. use top heat to pot those.. we dont whip.. at all.. just use top heat to pop bubbles..
this is just thee way i do things.. it might not be the best way. or the safest way.. so thats y i say research it first.. also.. buy a ss turkey baster .. or a tube made for bho.. u do not want to have a blow out and fuck yourself. it sucks.. i had a kief blow out.. and lost alot of weight.. but make sure.. if u want to prevent that.. use coffee filters.. and a screen and a CLAMP. not rubberbands.. or zip ties.. its like why are u going to use rubberbands. an or zip ties.. wen u can get a stainless steel clamp that last forever 1 .. and doesnt LEACH anything out of it. like rubberbands and zipties will do .