BF Blue Cheese & GH White Rhino grow

Good luck with that new Bean!! whats your T5 setup like, lumens, wattage, length, etc. I ask, cause I just started a grow with 4ft, 6 bulb, 30k Lum's T5HO's; just comparing. Awesome thread, looking forward to the journey!!

I have (4) 2 foot t5s putting out about 7000 lumen. Also have (4) 26w cfls putting out 4800 lumens. Nothing to crazy. This is used for seedling till i can put them in the.veg tent.
Seed still hasnt cracked yet... in the mean time ill post some pics of the white rhino. She is doing awesome thus far.
Day 26


This white rhino is doing fantastic. Really healthy. No problems to report. Temps steady at about 82 degrees. RH at 60%.

Blue cheese bean hasnt germed yet. Still waiting for it to crack.....=(
Still looking good there mate just about to pop a blue cheese seed myself, sorry to hear about yours :( keep up the good work anyway :)
Hey 808, do you think a t5 set up putting out 30k lumens is too much for the seedling stage, first 2-2.5 weeks? do you think that too much light intensity could stunt growth and cause leaf problems? I am growing some Auto's and here is one on Day 8

Trans 1 Day 8 7.29.jpg

I appreciate your input if you don't mind answering!! thanks!!
and p.s.....that white rhino looks moo foo'ing incredible!! I hope I can at least get that far!! keep it up!!
Hey 808, do you think a t5 set up putting out 30k lumens is too much for the seedling stage, first 2-2.5 weeks? do you think that too much light intensity could stunt growth and cause leaf problems? I am growing some Auto's and here is one on Day 8

View attachment 2275241

I appreciate your input if you don't mind answering!! thanks!!

Hey bro... you should be fine with that t5 light even if its putting out 30k lumens. What strain you growing there?
Hey bro... you should be fine with that t5 light even if its putting out 30k lumens. What strain you growing there?

808, 1st off: thanks for taking the time with me. This grow is driving me insane, everything seems to be going wrong and I just know I should be way further along at this stage.

My strain is Trans Siberian Auto from Attitude. I am on day ten on one and this is all the growth I have received: Trans1 Day 10.jpg

I have two others on day 8 that look similiar. The lower leaves on the one above are slightly turning yellow. I had a serious problem with a bag seed that is on day 15. She kinda started the same way but much earlier and is fighting to survive and not much bigger then the one above. Here is a pic of her: View attachment 2276295 she looked twice as bad yesterday. I backed the lights away from 4" to 20" and started giving her some mild Canna nutes as she and the rest of my girls are growing in a nutrient-free soil (perlite and top soil). Bro, seriously any help would be so appreciated. If you need more info, let me know or you can check out my grow in my sig. I have been trying to keep it very updated, so you should find all the additional elements there. thanks again!! and sorry if I am sabotoging your journal :(
I've got Bubba Kush thats doing that rounded leave thing. Thought it was heat stress, but all new growth is like that
Just gonna keep growing it though, see how it comes out.
It's looking a little better now
Hey del, i would stop the nutes for now. your seedling is too young for nutes and only needs water right now. you are probably stunting its growth by over nuting it too soon. Thats is why you leaves are burning and turning yellow. i usually dont give nutes until day 14 -21 or till its got a few sets of true leaves. and when growing my autoflowers, i start with 1/8 strength then bump it to 1/4 a week or two later depending on how it reacts. your lights arent the problem. Flush them out good with pH balanced water, continue to give them pH balance water only and bring your lights back down.
808 just gave the perfect advice....I use a 2 foot T5 fixture with 4 tubes for young sprouts and early veg....plants love it and I bring them down low too. Outside of your other issues as 808 be patient with autos....I can tell you that the last two varieties I grew stayed small like yours for ~10days. Thought I had a runt each time....then the slingshot in growth occurred...amazing!.
Jela, thanks, staying patient is awful hard....considering this is my first indoor grow. I truly am hoping they are just slow out the gate. I am running three Auto's right now and all are around day 10. Ive seen growth every day, but very small, so maybe this is the week they take off!!

To All Who Read This Thread, 808 is a Stand Up guy and more than an asset to this forum!! extra rep if you can give it!!

Thanks again all!!
congrates on the grow so far mate been following your grow for a while now because i am growing the same 2 strains will be good to compare the 2 grows

this is only my second attempt at growing as well so trying to follow what people say as well

check out my journal if you get a chance

So its been a few days since i potted the bean... no sprout yet. Im thinking this one is a dud :sad:... BF Blue cheese is now 0-2. Kinda disappointed. Gonna try one more time. If this one doesnt go then ima hold off a little while on this strain...

On a good note the white rhino is doing amazing. Im going to be topping her soon. May be clone what i can from the topped portion. Ill keep you all posted on that. Pic will be up later today...
Day 31


GH white rhino looking gorgeous... ive uped the nutes to 1/4 strength this week... shes throwing out some huge broad fan leaves. Kinda blocking the inner shoots from getting any light. Lol... planning on topping her soon...

Blue cheese.... well gonna be germing another shortly.
Day 34


White rhino is still doing amazing. Big, green, healthy growth. Temps been around 85 degrees F. RH at 60%. Going to top her just at the very top instead of above the second node as i usually do. Ive waited too long and the branches have stretched more than i would like when topping like that.
Day 43


White rhino doin great. Im now doin a 1/2 strength nute mix. Feeding/watering almost every other day. Temps at 87 degrees rh at 55%.
Day 48


White rhino doin ok. Had a bit a nute deficiency. Started feeding more this week and it looks really good so far. Going to be flipping the light soon. Still contemplating cloning her. We will see... temps about 84 degrees rh at 50%.