Beware the poacher


Well-Known Member
These guys walking around with a car mirror on a pole scoping out backyards.
Fuck theives if you see some suspicious mother fuckers around call the cops! Had 2 crackheads come into my backyard and try to steal my plants so they're gone somewhere safe now. We really need to cull these individuals out of society. Free crack giveaways laced with fentynal. Bye bye



Well-Known Member
These guys walking around with a car mirror on a pole scoping out backyards.
Fuck theives if you see some suspicious mother fuckers around call the cops! Had 2 crackheads come into my backyard and try to steal my plants so they're gone somewhere safe now. We really need to cull these individuals out of society. Free crack giveaways laced with fentynal. Bye bye
Agh!!! Fucktards! That makes me mad just thinking about it!


Well-Known Member
These guys walking around with a car mirror on a pole scoping out backyards.
Fuck theives if you see some suspicious mother fuckers around call the cops! Had 2 crackheads come into my backyard and try to steal my plants so they're gone somewhere safe now. We really need to cull these individuals out of society. Free crack giveaways laced with fentynal. Bye bye
Thieves are one of the lowest forms of humanity…it makes me crazy mad.


Well-Known Member
Bait em and whoop there ass. Simple
They’ll never come back if the damage is right. I had a tweek try to break into my camper. Caught em. Whooped him. Left him naked in winter. Called the cops. Everyone laughed
Is it really that simple though? Buddy had a bag of tools. He came back the next day with more tools. Ok I whoop their ass with my Louisville but then what. They're mad and they come back with vengeance? My chick works from home 60% of the time and that worries me now
I put motion alarms all around now. My house has an active alarm system but it's still a fucked up situation. I have a feeling he's comming back tmrw while I'm at work


Well-Known Member
Is it really that simple though? Buddy had a bag of tools. He came back the next day with more tools. Ok I whoop their ass with my Louisville but then what. They're mad and they come back with vengeance? My chick works from home 60% of the time and that worries me now
I put motion alarms all around now. My house has an active alarm system but it's still a fucked up situation. I have a feeling he's comming back tmrw while I'm at work
Forget the bat.
Get your girl one of these crackhead deterents...


Well-Known Member
Is it really that simple though? Buddy had a bag of tools. He came back the next day with more tools. Ok I whoop their ass with my Louisville but then what. They're mad and they come back with vengeance? My chick works from home 60% of the time and that worries me now
I put motion alarms all around now. My house has an active alarm system but it's still a fucked up situation. I have a feeling he's comming back tmrw while I'm at work
I would rig up motion detector lights all over the place, and security cameras too-you can get a set of them surprisingly cheap these days-I've looked into them myself for the same reason. Then I'd put up a few signs saying 24/7 video surveillance or whatever. Lights and cameras are the best deterrent besides a scary dog, but creeps like that will just poison a dog. One place I used to live, I grew a blackberry hedge against one fence that people used to jump all the time. Physical deterrents, like a thorny hedge can help too.


Well-Known Member
I would rig up motion detector lights all over the place, and security cameras too-you can get a set of them surprisingly cheap these days-I've looked into them myself for the same reason. Then I'd put up a few signs saying 24/7 video surveillance or whatever. Lights and cameras are the best deterrent besides a scary dog, but creeps like that will just poison a dog. One place I used to live, I grew a blackberry hedge against one fence that people used to jump all the time. Physical deterrents, like a thorny hedge can help too.
If not security cameras, for a cheaper option place game/trail cameras discretely where you can get better pics/vid of their faces.


Well-Known Member
I would rig up motion detector lights all over the place, and security cameras too-you can get a set of them surprisingly cheap these days-I've looked into them myself for the same reason. Then I'd put up a few signs saying 24/7 video surveillance or whatever. Lights and cameras are the best deterrent besides a scary dog, but creeps like that will just poison a dog. One place I used to live, I grew a blackberry hedge against one fence that people used to jump all the time. Physical deterrents, like a thorny hedge can help too.
I actually have it all my friend. That's how I caught them initially. Noticed a pot was moved. Checked cams seen the whole thing go down. I have raspberry branches laced through the top of my fence. I have motion lights and just got motion sirens. There's signs all over the place but these guys didn't care. They came at 11am. Broad daylight


Well-Known Member
This was a major problem where I used to live too, you either had to go full blown fortress mode or full blown stealth. Seeing those creeps with the mirror brings back the old rage. If they see your plants once, they'll come back year after year. Their entire life revolves around servicing their addiction but damn those creeps have good memories.


Well-Known Member
This was a major problem where I used to live too, you either had to go full blown fortress mode or full blown stealth. Seeing those creeps with the mirror brings back the old rage. If they see your plants once, they'll come back year after year. Their entire life revolves around servicing their addiction but damn those creeps have good memories.
Ya. It's fucked up. We are moving eventually I'm fixing up this place and we will be getting our dream property in the stix somewhere. Away from the junkies.


Well-Known Member
Oh. I’m I’m in the states. 2nd amendment all fucking day. And a mother fucker steps foot inside. It’s a wrap.
My point is. If you don’t do something to intimidate them. You might as well move. Nut up bro.

tools. What. I said whoop his ass. Not Duel with wrenches. Set bait. Catch em slippin.
Tweaks are easy to deal with Otherwise. He’s going to comeback because your a punk. I’m just saying. Not that you are. Tweakers think like that. You already let him slide. So he knows he can get over on you You need to put hands on him. What’s gonna happen. He’s gonna call the cops