Better to never get Covid than think it's just the flu.


Well-Known Member
Some disturbing revelations about post-Covid complications backed by peer reviewed studies rather than bro-science.

We Interrupt This Mood of Denial to Update COVID’s Threat
Recent studies on long COVID and more show why, beyond vaccines, masks and air filters remain vital.

“We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster.” — Carl Sagan

Although many Canadians act as though the pandemic has ended, the airborne virus that causes COVID-19 continues to evolve at an amazing pace with devastating consequences for both individuals and the public at large.

The pandemic may no longer be a major conflagration but it still kills about 140 Canadians a week while morphing into a steady viral blaze sustained by dirty air, waning immunity and overt political indifference.

What was once a giant wave of acute illness has become a series of often unpredictable wavelets driven by ever-changing variants that can cause chronic illness. Long COVID, a disabling health event that can affect multiple organs and destabilize the immune system, now affects millions and continues to claim new victims.

A 2023 Danish study recently confirmed that about 50 per cent of those diagnosed with long COVID fail to improve 18 months after infection regardless of the variant.

Long COVID has taken a huge toll among health-care workers. Anywhere from six to 10 per cent of Quebec’s health-care workforce, for example, has been derailed by long COVID.

Seventy-one per cent of health-care workers impaired by long COVID reported that their state of health now interferes with their ability to function. Another 16 per cent said that they are often unable to work. Multiply this data across the country and then ask: How sustainable is this trend?

Long COVID has taken a huge toll among health-care workers. Anywhere from six to 10 per cent of Quebec’s health-care workforce, for example, has been derailed by long COVID.

Seventy-one per cent of health-care workers impaired by long COVID reported that their state of health now interferes with their ability to function. Another 16 per cent said that they are often unable to work. Multiply this data across the country and then ask: How sustainable is this trend?

This is an absolute fact here in the U. S. My wife is a critical care cardiac nurse who retired in the middle of the Covid epidemic and she knows many R. N.'s and R. R. T. 's who have been severely fucked by long Covid. The fact that most people now consider COVID just like the flu or a cold simply astounds me.
This is an absolute fact here in the U. S. My wife is a critical care cardiac nurse who retired in the middle of the Covid epidemic and she knows many R. N.'s and R. R. T. 's who have been severely fucked by long Covid. The fact that most people now consider COVID just like the flu or a cold simply astounds me.

I doesn't help when lies like the moderna vaccine causes alzheimers and changes a persons DNA can be posted all over the web and allowed to remain unopposed perpetuating untruths and causing more deaths still flourish.

I just got the latest booster last week and think I'm going to go back to wearing a mask in crowded places. I'm still a Covid virgin and don't want my cherry popped if a little more care can prevent it.

I hope you and your wife enjoy a long and Covid free life!

I doesn't help when lies like the moderna vaccine causes alzheimers and changes a persons DNA can be posted all over the web and allowed to remain unopposed perpetuating untruths and causing more deaths still flourish.

I just got the latest booster last week and think I'm going to go back to wearing a mask in crowded places. I'm still a Covid virgin and don't want my cherry popped if a little more care can prevent it.

I hope you and your wife enjoy a long and Covid free life!

I got a pretty good case of it about 3 to 4 weeks after I got the first Pfizer shot. Totally kicked my ass, had never been that sick for that long, but luckily it didn't hit my lungs. My wife never got it but we were so scared she was going to get it and die before she could retire.

I hope you stay a COVID virgin as long as you can, a mask will help and that is a fucking fact!
Any idea of 'long Covid' infection rates? Have a good friend who has long covid, and is fairing generally well for 60. To some covid is far worse than the flu, to others, an annoying cold. A one size fits all approach doesn't work. The vaccines haven't been as effective as stated. And the rhetoric from those touting science while stifling any reasonable attempt at alternatives is just as harmful as the provocative (and misused) Sagan Quote to open the article. Just attended a town planning meeting, 1000 people packed into an auditorium, not a single mask, go figure. Most of us do everything we are supposed to, like wearing masks when sick, and avoiding senior facilities, we lock down when ordered, but most are not getting a booster, except vulnerable elderly and regular flu shot participants. We are going to be living with co-vid for the rest of time our genome will compensate better thru time as we have already observed.