Better Results Without Topping????????

King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
If I dont top will i get more yeild considering the plant will get much taller if it doesnt have to heal from a topping???

King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
I just got done with a white widow grow and i topped all 7 of my female plants, 5 got 2 tops and 2 continued wih only one top. I noticed that the 2 plants that only had one top gave more product then the ones with 2 tops. Is it true that if i dont top my plants will grow higher and yeild more in less time than a topped plant or is it just a coincidence this happend to me with white widow.

King D.


Well-Known Member
A topped plant that is fully vegged to maturity will always have more yield than a regular grown plant. Switching the lights too early to 12/12 after topping could hurt the final yield though...


Misguided Angel
Some strains respond better to training then others. I have had some plants that have yielded me more just by growing it out without any form of training. On the flip side I have also yielded more by training off of other strains. Experiment and see what works best for you. Not every strain will give you more by topping.


Active Member
Depends.. for a low laying CFL LST setup like mine, I would actually just lose a primary branch.

if I were growing a standard vertical plant with one HID above, then I might want more tops up close in the light so I would consider topping.

Those are a few examples.


If I dont top will i get more yeild considering the plant will get much taller if it doesnt have to heal from a topping???


Well-Known Member
It depend on the veg time.
I did lil SOG 3-4 weeks veg only.
An the Natural untrained plant yeilded the most.

But if train em an veg em huge I believe the toped plant will produce more.
Indoors or outdoors? Outdoors,I prefer not to do it,but these days you pretty much have to top any sizeable strain growing in full sun to avoid detection and rippers. My experience is that too much topping produces a higher ratio of males to females.

Indoors,my experience is limited,but I'd go with some type of LST before I'd top.