Does anyone one know what it takes to drive people to go out and do things everyday? Like the woman who opened the first weed shop in la, or anyone who has their own weed shop and grows new strains and goes to conventions or someone who created a soil mix for weed or even the guy who made this site, how do people push themselves and know how to accomplish these things?
Another POV is that there is no such thing as free will. This is backed up by physics and the latest neuroscience -
All of time exists; past, present and future have all been played out in forth dimensional spacetime. Because of entropy (time was created with the big bang, and our universe has been devolving from a very ordered state into one of greater and greater disorder, i.e. arrow of entropy), we experience time in a linear fashion, but it seems this is an illusion of our perspective -
Taking into account that our future can easily be another sentient creature's 'now', we can see that, in reality, our future already exists and is therefor unchangeable.
Also consider that we become aware of our choices/decisions
after they are made -
So, if our conscious minds are not making our decisions, and the future exists along with the past and present, where would free will come into play??? It seems that each decision we make is the only decision we
could have made, even though it seems otherwise to us. It is like we are conscious characters in a finished novel: since we are living out our story page by page, to us it seems like we are making choices that can effect the ending. But since the book has already been written, this cannot be the case, the ending is set. My take, yes, strive for the things that you want (we really cannot function any other way), but take comfort in the reality that your future is set regardless of what you think you choose. The future is determined, but not determinable by us, so that will have to do. I'm okay with this... and I am baked...