Best/worst stoned snack creation


Well-Known Member
Best - Peanut butter and jelly waffles
Applebees Bonesless buffalo wings
Worst - Noodles, potatoes, butter, tomatoes, hot sauce, barbeque sauce, and chicken but what made it bad was the fact that we dumped a shitload of maple syrup in it. :(

I just started smoking a blunt so I can't think of any... :)
the applebees bbw is a good call. we make them at home too. i made shrimp scampi sauteed in butter and garlic the other night and mixed it with spicy oodles and noodles. that shit was good..:eyesmoke:


Active Member
sauteed crab claws dipped in melted butter tastes delicious

ice cream and pizza, both great munchies, but when combined can get disasterous


Well-Known Member
Some nicely pan-toasted tuna and eggs is the shit.

Worst, pizza rolls and ketchup, was super high and chilling with my step-bro (who doesn't smoke) and he was eatin this shit. I ate one and almost puked everywhere.


can of corn with a few slices of cheese melted into it; add soy sauce and tabasco, enjoy.... think i would yarf if i tried that now...
cinnamon toast... forgot the sugar:dunce:

ate mayonaise out of the jar once with a fork... and i hate mayonaise:lol: (damn xanax)..

now for some good ones.... my best stoner foods come in the morning when my wife is still sleeping.. if she's up, she cant stand to see some of the foods i create:bigjoint:

cold pizza, dipped in waffle syrup... sounds horrible, but with cold pizza it is perfect.. heat it up, and you'll prolly toss it up

cold porkchop, dipped in italian dressing... i use alot of leftovers:bigjoint:
thats all i can think of for now


Well-Known Member
best-breakfast burger at carls jr
worst-my friends "home made burgers" looked like meatballs and the middle was raw...I like my meat cooked well done.


Well-Known Member
a crispy chicken snackwrap
with lettuce, tomato , onions, cheddar cheese and jack daniels bbq sauce in a hot tortilla...... so delicious better then micky d's or kfc

anything that has to do with pig, pepperoni,sausage,baco, ham grosss gross grosss a pig is such a filthy animal i could never eat that ugly shit.
Pigs are most definatlly not dirty. Pigs and Hogs


Well-Known Member
earlier i had reheated papa johns that i dipped in hot sauce. when i was younger i used to dip it in ranch, now the thought makes me nauseous.


Active Member
papa john is a dissaster for me, actually most pizza is when im stoned. its so damn delicious but, when im stoned, i will eat a whole fucking pizza to myself...sounds great right? not the 20$ bill, id rather smoke a dank gram and not have is just a sloppy munchy for me


Well-Known Member
Hoy Voy a hacer el sandwich del atun.
Primero, Revuelve el atun y mayonesa en tazon con cuchara.
Luego, Pone atun en pan.
Despues, Corta el sandwich en cuatro.
Buen Provecho!

Baked and not spanish


Well-Known Member
Best hooters 911 wings...soooooo hottt but boy their good. and you get to stair at tits.

Worst saltine crackers they fuckin suck ass high, or peanut butter with no far the most frusterating thing ive ever put in my mouth.


Well-Known Member
Some Sugar Crisp cereal with milk. It was SO cool because if you can eat lots, the milk you leave in the bowl gets sweeter and sweeter as you eat more :D


Well-Known Member
One time I was smokin on the bong all day and made the mistake of takin some rice crispy treats, mixed them in with some chocolate icecream, then melted peanut butter over it. Sounds good in my head butit tasted like shit.