Best weed for selling & Making Money


Well-Known Member
im not arguing, or LIEing. this was just a simply a FUN debate, i enjoyed this time we had together. simply opening eyes is wat im doing. i would LOVE to continue this COVO. NO offence involved.

Confidential Herb

Active Member
Man this is something to wake up to in the morning. It's not that were arguing heavily, I'd say it's more friendly then anger. I'm sure FuZZy can agree. Anyways, I have a meeting with my attorney at around 1pm. :)


Well-Known Member
Man this is something to wake up to in the morning. It's not that were arguing heavily, I'd say it's more friendly then anger. I'm sure FuZZy can agree. Anyways, I have a meeting with my attorney at around 1pm. :)

You are a disappointment and a waste of a social security #

I doubt you do anyone good in your life besides supply them with illegal medicine that you are harvesting.

I can't wait till you get caught, enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Man this is something to wake up to in the morning. It's not that were arguing heavily, I'd say it's more friendly then anger. I'm sure FuZZy can agree. Anyways, I have a meeting with my attorney at around 1pm. :)

You are a disappointment and a waste of a social security #

I doubt you do anyone good in your life besides supply them with illegal medicine that you are harvesting.

I can't wait till you get caught, enjoy!



Well-Known Member
like i spoke of b4, i live in cali, POT FRIENDLY!!!!!!! wat DONT u get about that?? its a very VERY easy concept.I AM LEGAL TO SMOKE!!!! so ask urself again wat is there to get caught for?? i SPACIFICALY said 'wen i was 18' so I DONT seal ANYMORE. i dont do anything with my life right now but grow. im sorry if i disapointed u.:cry:

i get that alot.

JUST READ THIS do u get caught countless times blazing or holding a sak?

Blaze out side. this is wen i was 18 im talking about. FYI

do u smoke by the police station and wave your bag of weed around?


You should grow all them strains from your first post and give it to med pats.

as long as they

that really need it instead of sellin it to kids... 02-11-2010 08:38 AM

i did say i dont seel anymore right??

First, let me start by saying I am sorry for commenting on your jabberwocky. I didn't realize I was starting a conversation with a mentally challenged person. You might be asking yourself "How'd he know?". Besides your vernacular, I have thought of many ways to get caught smoking outside all of which involved doing something retarded or being somewhere retarded. Another reason is because you sometimes smoke outside a police station waving a bag of marijuana around.


Well-Known Member
anything that is potent and taste superb,will sell,bag appeal also helps.Superlemonhaze,masterkush,blueberry,SagenSour etc...


Active Member
If you plant it out in the open there is no threat but some one finding it. Even if they do you have plenty more some where else. You didn't keep all your eggs in one basket did you???

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
ay now ,ost of that dank yall get comes from an urban area in big pounds....... dont act like yall growing it all. and our city dimes go for dubs or better in your boonies...

dont dissrespect the city people or we will make sure yall sacks are str8 shake nigga!!!!!
Hey Bro. Herb is grown everywhere man. There's people in the big city growing, probably some on rooftoops. There's also a lot of suburban people as well as rural growers. Thats the fucking beauty of our cannabis underground. There's so much herb being grown, just not enough until the values go way down. We all got to stop talking trash with personal insults. I'm all for criticizing someone's claims or grow knowledge. bongsmilie

trichlone fiend

New Member
When you live in the hood it's not very hard to find ppl who wanna buy bud. But I love selling bud to white kids in the boonies who'll pay anything for a quick smoke cuz the next best thing is miles and miles away form them :mrgreen:

I like selling to black crack dealers "in the hood", I break their bank!:finger:


Well-Known Member
YA bro its about how good of a grower you are not really the strain you could grow an excelent strain and harvest to early and your shit will blow.


Well-Known Member
stop raggin on him, he just trying to spread the goodness of weed, atleast there are some people willing to take that risk.


Active Member
LOL this thread is bullshit!, chocolate thai is rare or dont exist no more and that link you provided is not choc thai its thai tanic LMAO. but you is right about it having people return back becuase its super rare and no medical shop or seed shop not even high tmes have it. I will show you a real choc thai weed and you will amaze of what i went threw to get that 1 dam seed. you are also right about it growing good outdoor and massive yields but dosent do good indoor. heres my current grow and here is the REAL chocolate thai ( not thai tanic )


Active Member
I like the post about $6000 a pound. lol. That's just greedy. You know what you do? You find people that move pounds of weed and you give them a deal. You LOOSE money but you SELL fast. The longer you hold on to shit the longer you have to get busted.

Do I move drugs for a living? Fuck no. Do I sell Marijuana? Yes I do. Just do the math.


Active Member
As for Chocolate Thia, yes it is real and yes the link goes to Chocolate Thia. Read the description of the plant. If you don't like that choice and you have something better then good for you.

Maybe you and me Grow Chocolate Thia this summer together and we see whose is better. I am up for the challenge. I grew shit last year that the whole town was talking about. I've got customers for life with my weed. It's the next level. So just wait for those pics and we will see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah and as far as commercial strains go, try warlock (outdoor) magus genetics

but the best way to find the strain that will yeild the most best weed, is to just start growing weed, and over time, you will find which plant does best in your climate/growing method/nutrients/soil/everything. Unless u got a mentor, it can be hard to learn.

The best teacher when it comes to cannabis is time, patience, and understanding for your plant.


Well-Known Member
this is going to my first outdoor grow and i have 97 seeds. I'll appreciate all the help i could get or just come by and check my grow journal out and subscribe. see how everything turns out for my gorilla grow!