Best waya to be rid of Spider Mites


Active Member
To begin, I'm no rookie, 10 years into this now.

I'm not claiming my success at ridding them is do to my experience - Your method may be inexpensive and minor compared to my diasterous garden state.

I have had two infestations during a 2 1/2 year span when I got them from some clones. The first infestation was a disaster - they got so bad they were eating the leaves of each plant from the botoom up. They were finally put to rest a month before finish time. This second infestation was a complete war that lasted over 7 months. Getting rid of these dam bugs can be very hard! I've read one adult female can lay over a million eggs.

This last infestation about drove me nuts because I tried very hard following directions and got poor results from most all I tried.

I'm at day 7 after using what I believe has finally stopped them in their tracks. It's expensive, but it saved my sanity because everything else weakened the plants (killed two) which stunts their growth and yields less at harvest.
No Spider Mites finally killed them off!

Other products I used:

1 Liquid Lady Bug - Expensive, kills adults, but not the eggs which means I kept getting them back week after week. Liquid Lady Bug probably works given enough time, but some of my mixes didn't kill the adults so when I made a stronger mix it burned a lot of leaves and new growth.

2. Ed Rosenthal's Zero Tollerance - Decent price, organic, Kills adults but does not kill eggs, resulting in them coming back. Also too strong a mix will burn leaves.

3.Safer Soap - Kills adults not egges - They kept coming back

4. Pyrethin - Good price, pest poison, I got rid of the first infestion years back with this. On this last grow they seem to have become ammune to it. I even let off foggers 5 days apart - They came back with a vengence!

5. CO2 - My dryer is hooked up to give them CO2 - 85 minutes of gas didn't seem to make them flinch.

Most important - If you see a web line on ONE plant - Inspect all of them and get on it soon as you can. Once they web up a plant you have a full scale war on hand.

No Spider Mite worked for me in two applications with very little burn mixed by their directions. Tip - Shake a lot during mixing AND shacke sprayer while applying.

I don't have any affiliation with this product. The web site is very simple. No Phone to call in an order. They guarantee the product - return no questions asked. I got mine shipped regular post in 5 days.

This is NOT a plug for No Spider Mites, it's my effort to try and help people who are driven nuts like the little bastards did to me!

I did read that they bounce back real nice after treatmant period is over. I need to wait a full 10 days before I rinse with "Bang" or just water.

I have read of a few other products that people claim they work, it's not magic folks, it's persistence!

Good luck - YOU MAY NEED IT!