best way to store pollen


Active Member
what is the best way to store pollen, i want to backcross belladonna*jackherrer with jack herrer witout having to find and pay for jack herrer seeds (not to mention growing it again)


Well-Known Member
what is the best way to store pollen, i want to backcross belladonna*jackherrer with jack herrer witout having to find and pay for jack herrer seeds (not to mention growing it again)
Have a look at fdd's milking my nutes or in the advanced thread where he shows how to collect pollen. These 2 articles will tell you every thing you need to know about taking pollen and the safest way of doing it.


Well-Known Member
ya man its simple just a way so the pollen cant leave and isnt airborn, air tight jars and Film cansiters work best ( u know the black things that used to hold film for film cameras before digi)