Best Way to Set Up Fan??


New Member
New guy getting ready to grow. I am using a 3x3 tent. Will purchase as a package with 600 w HPS, air cooled hood, Active air fan and Phresh filter.

i have watched some videos and they all suggest that i run duct from outside than pull air across bulb and vent the hot air directly out of tent. In other words no "inside tent air" touches the bulb, only outside tent air.

i had thought that i would keep one end of the hood open to the ambient air in tent, pull this air across the bulb and exit out. in other words no duct pulling outside air across bulb.

If i set up with ductwork to pull outside air across bulb that would mean i need to buy a second fan to circulate the air in the tent. Is this correct?

If i get a small say 4 inch fan to circulate the tent air and attach a filter to this fan can i do away with a filter on the air coming from the hood/

Or should I just simply get a non cooled reflector and circulate air out of tent with the 6 in fan and phresh filter? Will it get too hot in a 3x3 with a 600 W? Should i either drop down to 400 watt or go up in tent size? I can get above package with 4x4 tent for an additional $20.00



Well-Known Member
I run outside air through my cool tubes which is then is exhausted outside a window and I have a seperate fan that runs my filter. However, if I was in your situation and didn't want to have to buy another inline fan then I would do something like:

[[[PHRESH FILTER]]]-->-->--(LIGHT HOOD)-->->{INLINE FAN}----->>>>Exhaust Outside of Tent

the "--" is ducting and the arrows depict the way of the air flow. I'd have the inline fan outside the tent but pulling out air from the filter and through the light to exhaust it as well. This is just my opinion though, maybe others will chime in.

edit; Forgot to add that id definately get the 4X4 as well as the 600w, its adjustable so you can always turn it down to 400w if you want to at times. Those tent spaces get tight QUICK, so the more tent you can accommodate-- the better.


New Member
I run outside air through my cool tubes which is then is exhausted outside a window and I have a seperate fan that runs my filter. However, if I was in your situation and didn't want to have to buy another inline fan then I would do something like:

[[[PHRESH FILTER]]]-->-->--(LIGHT HOOD)-->->{INLINE FAN}----->>>>Exhaust Outside of Tent

the "--" is ducting and the arrows depict the way of the air flow. I'd have the inline fan outside the tent but pulling out air from the filter and through the light to exhaust it as well. This is just my opinion though, maybe others will chime in.

edit; Forgot to add that id definately get the 4X4 as well as the 600w, its adjustable so you can always turn it down to 400w if you want to at times. Those tent spaces get tight QUICK, so the more tent you can accommodate-- the better.
I see. But if I set up this way are you saying the filter is inside the tent scrubbing the air? This was my first thought until multiple videos suggested that I should run outside air across bulb not inside the tent air. not sure why maybe just to keep things cooler.


Well-Known Member
I see. But if I set up this way are you saying the filter is inside the tent scrubbing the air? This was my first thought until multiple videos suggested that I should run outside air across bulb not inside the tent air. not sure why maybe just to keep things cooler.
yes it is to keep things cooler as having 2 separate exhaust systems for light and room keeps things cooler

Ice Cubez

Well-Known Member
For me i decided to just exhaust through my hood instead of getting 2 inline fans because I only grow indoors during the winter and I seem to stay at a nice temp of 70-75 at lights off and 80-85 at lights on.