best way to make bud taste good..( look)

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Im talking a couple cups of hot/warm hot water. This is seperate for the rest of your water, and nut solution just to properly mix the molasses so it doesn't goop up on ya. then once the molasses is broken down in the warm water add that to the rest of your (2gallons in my example) solution of room temp water + nutes. Then feed to your girls. 2 cups of warm water wont change the temp of 2 gallons of room temp war=ter that much.


Well-Known Member
Eh I heard that molassis is really bad for the root system. I know someone that tried that and he transplanted the plants and found his roots on both plants had a fungus growing. Lost both plants. Just be cautious if you insist on using it. :-?


Active Member
An orange peel while curing makes the bud have a nice citrus taste and smell. Also keeps your bud from drying out

iv used apple slices they do basically the same thing to it.....ill only add it if my buds too dry.....u cant beat the natural taste of a bud......thats y i quit smokin cigs....much better taste


Active Member
Eh I heard that molassis is really bad for the root system. I know someone that tried that and he transplanted the plants and found his roots on both plants had a fungus growing. Lost both plants. Just be cautious if you insist on using it. :-?
actually iv heard the opposite...iv heard that it helps roots and helps prevent rot


Active Member
Why wouldn't you want your herb to taste like herb in the first place?
its going to taste like herb anyways. but this thread asks how to make it taste good/better. so that is a flushing question i think. simply put if you dont flush you will have weed that tastes like weed and chemicals. so then whats the best flush? then you have to cure the weed after it drys. cuz it will taste a lil off if u dont cure. from what i have read curing also increaes potency as well.
long & short is, whats the best way to maxamize your product.
so i am all ears, i am 10 dayss from harvesting my 2 auto dwarfs so i want to get the most out of my small yield.
grow on ppls
Brer rabbit. Also a unsulphured full flavor malassas you can find at ur local store. And as far as the orange peel,apple,banana,ect all have done the same for me, only moisten the buds. Not much flavor at all. But if u want to moisten the bud with no smell or citrus acid added. Throw a slice of cucumber for garden fresh smell


Active Member
Ive done the orange peels a buncha times on random bagweed ive bought to freshen it up. It DOES impart a citrus smell taste to the buds. Slight, but present nonetheless... Be careful if you dont want them smelling like oranges.

Wet brown paper sacks work wonders without smell or taste. Soak and saturate them in water. Roll them up and wring out excess moisture. Now stick rolled up bags into middle of jars. Leave a few hours and then pull em out and voila! :)

Be careful with any of these methods as too much moisure = mold. Ive had it happen from sacks and oranges if you dont watch how long you leave em in there or monitor the humidity leves after you remove the bags for the next few days also. Doesnt have to mold right then. Can happen 4 days later, so watch it closely.

Also remember if its cold out humidity inside your jars is going to be way higher after this than if its hot out due to water holding capacity of warmer, low temps and moisure leads to high rH faster than high temps and moisture. Watch for mold!
