Best way to combat pythium and root rot in all hydroponic growing methods.

Now that’s a great question… sure, there’s a lot you can do that will insure safe oxygenation and seriously inhibit fungal outbreaks 24/7/months if you really think it's that important.

When your oxygen limitation is air or 20% O2, many on the forums say the ideal DO is 100% DO Sat and the only way you can get that is using air is to chill the water to 64-68F, that's it, that's all that is possible to do. I’m sure you have heard this too.

Others would approach this oxygenation issue directly, if a technical grower wants to increase his nutrient DO Sat at any water temp, he would certainly not hope and depend on 20% O2 (air), but would use 30-100% O2 gas. This does require thinking out of the box beyond the average mind set limitations.

Breaking this down to real simple, if you want higher DO, increase the source O2%. Oxygenation does not get any simpler than this and increasing the O2% greater than 20% works great every time, 24/7… that’s real scientific fact. Oh, and dissolve the O2 with a packed column, cone or oxygen -injector… forget the diffusers.

If a man is really thirsty and dehydrated, you would give him more water to drink, right?

If your plants need more oxygen, give them more oxygen, right?

Or, when your plants need more oxygen, give them more chlorine and buy a water cooler?

There ain’t nothing to insuring and maintaining safe oxygenation, this is just common since stuff.

So have you ran an oxygen infused setup? Would love to see it running. And yes by chilling the water, which I do with a passive chiller, should ensure enough DO to keep the plants happy. The cost of running chilled water for me is less then a 100 watt bulb turned on intermittently so cost is not a factor. How do I know my plants have enough DO, well it's only a guess with out a DO meter but if the plants are growing an inch a day, green with no curl or blotchy spots and healthy would that not mean all is well. I gotta ask J what's your end game here? What are you trying to achieve with the numerous posts in numerous threads talking about the same thing? Are you a DO meter salesman lol? Or perhaps a bottled oxygen salesman lol. Again I would love to see your setup.
So have you ran an oxygen infused setup? Would love to see it running. And yes by chilling the water, which I do with a passive chiller, should ensure enough DO to keep the plants happy. The cost of running chilled water for me is less then a 100 watt bulb turned on intermittently so cost is not a factor. How do I know my plants have enough DO, well it's only a guess with out a DO meter but if the plants are growing an inch a day, green with no curl or blotchy spots and healthy would that not mean all is well. I gotta ask J what's your end game here? What are you trying to achieve with the numerous posts in numerous threads talking about the same thing? Are you a DO meter salesman lol? Or perhaps a bottled oxygen salesman lol. Again I would love to see your setup.

There are a few of these really high-tech operations scattered around, but be assured they are not open to the public and pics are never seen on an internet forum, that’s out. Of course you can understand why high end producers would not share their cutting edge technology on an internet forum. Don’t let no hurt your feelings, but it sure doesn’t hurt a thing to ask to see it.

Your rig sounds great and working perfectly; healthy plants, growing fast and looking good and no fungal infestations or root zone diseases. Sounds great to me, don’t change anything.

No, I’m not a salesman although I do considered a career in sales one time… but that passed and I chose other things. My end game is trying to spend all the money I’ve made before a Government Robin Hood takes it and gives it away for free food stamps, free Obama Care, free housing, free cell phones, free college... free mail box money for all. Got to watch out for Robin, he’s real and he’s coming for all your money and stuff too.

Budley, do you work for a living? What do you do?

since you seem to be so smart and critical of others, please show us your pics of how you built an O2 infused DWC setup so we can critique it. enough with the hypothesis, let's see some EVIDENCE!! or is all this scientific conjecture on your part?
Your really demanding today. OK, maybe tomorrow if your ask nicely, maybe not.
Pretty sure most didn't :(.

Although many native Tribes and races in North America were >than 10,000 years old, they had no chance against American Imperialism, free enterprise, The US Army and all the free whisky they could drink. Dumbed-down, killed conquered in short order.

Did you know that The Lone Ranger was a US Marshall and he was a black guy? His name was Bass Reeves.

or i could just follow the directions on the bottle? cost per test $0.00
Having a Eureka moment here... Now you have had brilliant idea, read the label slowly and follow those directions on the label...
I'm really impressed now... and the test is free too, it cost $0.00.
"Your rig sounds great and working perfectly; healthy plants, growing fast and looking good and no fungal infestations or root zone diseases. Sounds great to me, don’t change anything."

I'm always tweaking and changing things lol. This growing indoors is a hobby and not a money making thing. And yup seems to be working great.

"My end game is trying to spend all the money I’ve made before a GovernmentRobin Hood takes it"

They can only take what they know you have, silly man.

"Budley, do you work for a living? What do you do?"

Yes, mostly part time now. Refrigeration mechanic and gas tech. Plus a bunch more certificates.
And I grew pot for years, lots lol.
Having a Eureka moment here... Now you have had brilliant idea, read the label slowly and follow those directions on the label...
I'm really impressed now... and the test is free too, it cost $0.00.
J your starting to become quite a dick, just thought I'd point that out :(.
The problem with using chlorine for pools and going by the label is that ppm for pools is far greater for what swimmers can handle and what plants can handle. The method of mixing 1gram of shock to 1 gallon of water and then using 30ml of the solution per 5gal of water is what I use for my cloner, but I do not think this is enough for a Dwc system or other forms of hydroponics. It's also hard to calculate from the label, since it uses 10s of thousands of gallons for treatment dosage. Also 5-10ppm as recommended by the package instructions is far too much.
For sure, I'd love to see the system a new age hydro system. I'll show you mine if you show me yours ;) mines not new age, but it's different than most others I've seen, I'd like to think I invented "suspended net pot ebb and flow/grow" system 8-)
Nice setup Alpha, how's it work? Flood pails from bottom I assume and do u have root blockage issues?
Thanks Budley! It basically just an ebb and grow buckets system, floods from the bottom, but instead of filling the ebb buckets directly with a medium, the 1 gallon pots are suspended above the inner 2 gallon pots. I veg in a flood tray in the one gallon pots then transplant in to the ebb buckets and the roots just dangle out inside of the ebb buckets so I can flood much more with much less medium to deal with. No root blockage has happened, more so it slightly gets into the drain if I don't suspend the pots and just plant them in hydroton. I can flood every hour or two growing like this and the roots grow much better not having to grow through the hydroton and the growth is so much better as well. Also, less salt build up :)
@J Henry throw up a couple pics when you get a chance. You know that old saying. :cool:

Imagine this oxygen system added in line with your water flow distal to your water pump in any RDWC system:

  1. If you want real cheap oxygenation then oxygen-injection is it: Pure oxygen can simply be injected into pipes leading to the tank. If these lines are under pressure from a pump, the increased hydrostatic pressure will increase oxygen diffusion. Reasonable transfer efficiencies can be achieved with oxygen injection, though some oxygen is still lost to the atmosphere.

  2. This dissolves O2 in the water: oxygen cone or oxygen saturator Saturators are cheap and easy to make with PVC and glue.

  3. A device called a Packed Column will also efficiently dissolve O2 into the water. Make a packed column with PVC and glue.

  4. And there are other high-tech devices and ways to dissolve O2 into water too.

    It is important to use a gas dissolving device that dissolves O2 with extreme efficiently to prevent gas waste, diffusers, a venture, sprayers are horribly inefficient and will waste tremendous volumes of Oxygen. Wasting O2 always increasing the cost of operation. The whole oxygenating system must operate efficiently... or forget it.
Source oxygen - rebuilt oxygen generator. 5 year warranty:

OxygenPlus Medical Systems Inc.
12348 North Old Moneta Rd
Moneta, VA 24121
Phone: 1-540-297-3257
Fax: 1-540-296-3157
Email: [email protected]

This is only 1 of many companies that sell rebuilt O2 generators.

There are other O2 gas sources that are more dependable and cheaper than oxygen generators.

here are a few of these really high-tech operations scattered around, but be assured they are not open to the public and pics are never seen on an internet forum, that’s out

as i suspected, purely hypothetical horseshit.

build your O2 system and show us pics or it didnt' happen. and let me know how it compares to my $13 liter bottle of dutchmaster zone.
The problem with using chlorine for pools and going by the label is that ppm for pools is far greater for what swimmers can handle and what plants can handle. The method of mixing 1gram of shock to 1 gallon of water and then using 30ml of the solution per 5gal of water is what I use for my cloner, but I do not think this is enough for a Dwc system or other forms of hydroponics. It's also hard to calculate from the label, since it uses 10s of thousands of gallons for treatment dosage. Also 5-10ppm as recommended by the package instructions is far too much.
View attachment 3624181

i just use dutchmaster zone. 2mL per gallon. done.

as i suspected, purely hypothetical horseshit.

build your O2 system and show us pics or it didnt' happen. and let me know how it compares to my $13 liter bottle of dutchmaster zone.
Potty, potty, potty mouth. Did you learn to be a potty mouth from you mama or did you learn this in kindergarden.