Best way to clean a glass pipe?


Active Member
What's the best way to clean a glass pipe? I put my pipe in a bag of isopropyl alcohol for an hour, and scraped as much resin as humanly possible with a paperclip,but there is still some gunk leftover. I want this glass pipe as clean and spotless as possible so I can only taste or smell the dank I put in there. Someone tell me a good method.


Well-Known Member
grunge off, best 20 dollars you will spend and its reusable to a degree, just make sure to strain it. been 5 washes with my bottle so far and still smells like citrus. guy at my local headshop said you could get about 10 uses till you would want to get a new one or till it starts to smell funny. basically dissolves the resin.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Pour salt inside your glass, and then add 91% alcohol. Cover openings, and shake vigorously.

Alcohol breaks up and absorbs the resin, the salt effectively scrapes it from the walls. Salt is not soluble in alcohol.

Epsom salt is available for like $0.70 USD.


Ursus marijanus
Add salt for an abrasive (rubs off resin), and then add 91% alcohol. Shake vigorously. Alcohol breaks up and absorbs the resin, the salt effectively scrapes it from the walls.
If I could induce you to give the oven cleaner method a whirl, I'd be oh so smug. Insufferable even. cn


Active Member
I have never used oven cleaner, mostly due to the smell, I normally use the sea salt/iso method. I have an all clear bubbler and I like to keep it looking new. One thing I do after I get most of it clean is to soak it in Oxyclean and hot water for an hour and just shake it, cleans it completely. I used to get a small film that would coat the inside of the down stem and other hard to get areas, Oxyclean finishes the job and it looks great every time.