I'm not sure why I would try not flushing when flushing works so well. Are you saying that I'll get a better price from the dispensary if I stop flushing? Are you saying that the product will taste better and burn cleaner? Or are you saying there will be no difference? In either case I don't know why it matters to you. Maybe you are saying that the quality will actually improve by feeding all the way up until harvest. I've never understood why people insist on inferring what people didn't say as opposed to just looking at what they did say....you aren't saying anything is what I'm trying to say

Oh crap, mother nature doesn't put the plants in an extended dark period or trim off the leaves, I must be doing that wrong as well. Dang, she doesn't have constant humidity or temperatures either, I guess I'm doing everything wrong!
I will continue to switch to twice as much straight water for the final two weeks and I will continue to get higher prices from the dispensary than other people

Flavor and aroma are dependent on many things and for whatever reason, mine are right on point.