Best Vaporizer for $150


just like everyone else I want a volcano but dont have the money!!!

What are some cheap good vapes that make sick bags


Well-Known Member
you get what you pay for, i have had my volcano 3 years and will def save and buy the same again.just love it to bits


Active Member
you get what you pay for, i have had my volcano 3 years and will def save and buy the same again.just love it to bits
i totally agree with you... my volcano original has been through the wars with me and for the past three years has not failed to brighten up my day... it's damn near bulletproof... and so worth the money...


Active Member
I'm looking to get a portable vape, Maybe an iolite.. Any suggestions?
An iOlite isn't bad, plus its made in Ireland with a warranty. I use mine only because the friend who was borrowing my Silver Surfer years back got bye-bye SSV!

Only downside to the iOlite is it uses butane (gag). I would suggest the "Vapor Genie" over the iolite. It's indestructable, you can't spill it, and it vapes rather well - and requires no power source aside from a lighter. Plus its price range is about $80


Active Member
DO NOT BUY A CHINESE VAPE WITHOUT A WARRANTY. Jeeyah made a good purchase on the buddah, but you might have to fork over about $200. Still made in the USA, solid, warrantied and WORTH IT. This is an investment, save up a little more scratch and buy something that will last, otherwise you're throwing your $150 away.


rubberneck has no offiliation with the manufacturers of the extremem q.

I used the vape a good amount.. Its pretty decent I just wish i had a bubbler to attach to it