Active Member
I heard inside a spare tire was best for large amounts as it is air tight (no smell!) but its a pain to get out, for small amounts what you should do is have one of those 'sandwich' baggies and have a drink near by, if police pull you over just stick the baggie in the drink and pray you sealed it well, especially good if its a dark drink like cola (and again hides smell very well as baggie is surrounded by thick liquid)
I thought I was the only one that did this, but the last time I bought any and had to drive back with it, I went as far as to put my pocket-knife in the bag, sealed it up, and sunk it in an open mug of coffee. Covers the smell well as a benefit but I never did buy much at any one time and it wouldn't work for any big amount.
I figure that most cops aren't going to force everyone to dump out their coffee during routine stops even if they know about that one.