best time to water?


Well-Known Member
When is every one's preferred time to water their flowering plants?
right when the lights turn on?
right before they turn off?

maybe it doesn't matter but I have heard both. and that would be something to easily switch and make my grow better.
just thinkin.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i like to water as the lights come on. so the water is fully available for the begining of there day.
i dont like for them to be sitting it a wet soggy pot all night either.


Well-Known Member
i like to water as the lights come on. so the water is fully available for the begining of there day.
i dont like for them to be sitting it a wet soggy pot all night either.
Not sure if it's it applicable here, but watering your lawn at night, leaving stagnant water you referred to, contributes to mold growth.


New Member
Water in the soil can be done anytime. Watering on the plant leaves should only be done at first light. Mold or fungus in the soil doesn't care if it is day or night. The air molds get an advantage at night.


does spraying the leaves do anything for the plant? Ive just read that people say it does nothing for the plant, they compare it to people as far as if you are thirsy you drink water you dont spray it on your arms. If spraying the plants outside of watering normally does help the plant im all for it, i have just read otherwise.


New Member
If I am vegging, a nitrogen spray can give them a boost in fast absorption. Once I get bud though, I keep the top of the plant dry.