best time to flower

bean town

Active Member
im 26 days into my grow plants are between 9" and 5" i tried one lst its growing nice im under a1000 hps 18/6 temps 70 to 85 air flow is good should i let them grow in veg stage or flower them what would you do i havent used any fertilizers yet when should i start them all my soil test came back with high results help???:roll:


Active Member
im 26 days into my grow plants are between 9" and 5" i tried one lst its growing nice im under a1000 hps 18/6 temps 70 to 85 air flow is good should i let them grow in veg stage or flower them what would you do i havent used any fertilizers yet when should i start them all my soil test came back with high results help???:roll:
If your ph level is high use a couple of drops of white vinegar!!!!


Well-Known Member
I would let them veg for 6 weeks total. I bought some Ph up and down and its well worth the investment.

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
your plants will double or triple after you start 12/12, if you have the space then let them veg longer so you get a better yield. what strain are you growing? what was your actual ph? you should start feeding them.

bean town

Active Member
my ph is 7.5 8.0 im growing orange bud and mazar im working with about 4' in hight with a1000hps what should i start to feed and how much


Well-Known Member
I would drop the PH to 6.5 ish and start a mild "grow" fert at 1/2 recommended dosage. Give them another 2 weeks and then switch your lights to 12/12. Continue with the grow nutes for the first week of 12/12 then switch over to a "bloom or flower" fert.


Well-Known Member
what is a good fert to start with?? and then to bloom ?? this is my first grow thanks for your help
Do you have access to a hydro store? If so, they will be able to help you. If not...a grow nute is higher in nitrogen. The first number is the nitrogen and the numbers look like this 5-1-1 or 15-5-10.

A bloom or flower nute's middle number is higher like 1-5-5 or 15-30-15.

Regardless, only use at 1/2 strength to start off.....actually, I start at 1/4.

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
what is a good fert to start with?? and then to bloom ?? this is my first grow thanks for your help
biobizz, foxfarm, age old organics, advanced nutrients...all have good products. i like age old grow for veg, and biobloom for flowering. i also use bat guano as a dressing.

bean town

Active Member
ive only seen some stuff at home depot gardening dept so ill feed them a high nitrogen 1/4 streinght untill i go 12/12 then get a bloomer 1/4 streinght and slowly get the fert stonger into the flower stage thanks for your help