Best things to do while you're high?

I live my entire life high so i agree everything is better high.....

However some of the biggest rushes to experience while zombie high are
Get in a kayak paddle out 30-45 mins away from where u started then blaze a huge fatty or rip and try to make it will feel like tom hanks lookin for wilson its awesome lol
Hiking and ziplining is also insanely fun while baked.
We (my cousin and I) decided to go to the coast an take with is a bong made of a small jam jar and about an ounce of 7th gen northern lights kush which he'd spliced himself. We climbed down to where there were these plateaus and had a few bongs each.... That was when my cousin noticed that where the tide was going out off the rocks, it was leaving the one plateau clear of water for about 10 seconds before smashing back in on the rocks. We then noticed a metal ring like anchor point or something on the plateau and we started daring each other to see who could jump down off the plateau, run and get to this metal ring and back before the tide smashed in on the rocks again... Stupid thing to do I know... One of us could have been killed. I remember feeling more alive than I'd ever felt that day.
If I have chores to do then I get high. That's more a thing to do while you're doing chores, and not really a thing to do when you get high though. I'm lazy in general so it actually has become a good motivator as a reward for doing chores.

I like going someplace where they sell lots of flowers and I can look and see all the colors. A friend and I now use the phrase "seein' like a bee" to refer to getting stoned sometimes because it's like you can see light outside of the visible spectrum. The colors are so vibrant.
Eat, fuck, watch TV, watch a movie, play video games.Listen to music. Watch a concert or a fireworks show. sleep and stare off into space. Oh yeah, browse the rollitup forums.
At the moment.. Oculus Rift.
Usually I just sit here on my computer gaming when baked, but I did go Go Karting once when stoned and that was fantastic.
Live like out in the no where. Ok, the neighbor calls me and asks me to go accross the street to his house and help his wife in the backyard, claims she is trying to break up a fight between his dog and a small animal, he is about twenty minutes away. I am in underwear, stoned, in bed and watching tv. When I say stoned I mean like outer space somewhere. I get up, get a shotgun and put rubber boots on (it was raining) I head to the kitchen to get a beer and there sits my 20 year old son. I say "boy get a damm shotgun and come on" he looks at me with jaw wide open and says "Dad, whats going on"? I realize that I am standing in front of my son with a shotgun in my hand and a pair or underwear on and some knee high rubber boots. Well what a fucking sight that must have been, most lilely will cost him like a year in therapy lol.. Any way I explain the situation, say im soory, go put pants on and we both went over there. By the time we got there the critter was dead, the mom was crying, the daughter was also freeking out and the Dog was OK. I got rid of the critter and the dad bought me a bottle of crown royal the next day...... As to my son, I have never had a talk with him about the rubber boot, underwear, shotgun thing.... Real stonner move. lol
Thanks for the visual......I'm still laughin! Wife says "you know you're a redneck when......"
1-Eat Cinnamon Crunch
2-Deep reflexion about how life is great(can somehow skip lots of time when ur rly rly stoned)
4-Watch stoner movies ex: Pineapple Express, Smiley Face ect
...I also like getting on the internet and looking up wierd shit.
Did y'all know the blue whale has the largest cock in the animal kingdom? It's true. It pours buckets of whale cum into the ocean. You've probably swam in whale cum... That type shit fascinates me.