Best strains that you've grown

My houses all time fav is Strawberry Cough and GSC…. my all time fav though would be Buddha Tahoe, grew a freebie that is amazing, so can't speak to whether I got lucky or its all dank.

I grew trinity for 7 years back in the late 90s in kansas to date still.
Then chernobyl flo birthday cake gsc slh ssh grapefruit 90s bubblegum la con afgan kush...some of my other favorites.

You grew it in KC, you no doubt had the real deal back than…. friend of a friend was the breeder, couple brothers who were phish heads lol from Wichita
very small world. Made a few mule runs back then from Hayes for a young dead head with some serious gear that turned out to be Trinity. He must of got a cut from Wichita area. I had no clue Trinity was a Wichita thing until this year living out here in OR. I cut my teeth in KC MO hiding in a basement learning from failures unable to share my hobby with a soul. Don't miss those days really. Sleep sure is a lot better.

A friend of mine says he has it here in OR and is about to run it in Flower; we shall see if it is the real deal.
You grew it in KC, you no doubt had the real deal back than…. friend of a friend was the breeder, couple brothers who were phish heads lol from Wichita[/QUOTE]

Think they were related to jack straw???
It was the real thing. First strain i ever grew. We were growin in 4" rw cubes in pvc rain gutters lol. So primitive thinking back.
The thing about trinity was the fucking smell. U get busted growing in missouri or kansas ur fucked obviously. This shit would stink a house up to the street 4 weeks into flower.. very scary.
People were like crackheads looking for it when it wasent around...
I still know the names of the people i got it from. A phishead a deadhead n a crackhead funny enough. I always thought the local hydro store owner had something to do with it?
OH the TRINITY smell.... try carrying weight of it in a pickup across state lines. *MAXIMUM FEAR*
wierd thing is I never ran across it in KC during that time (was getting the bubblegum instead).
As I recall this Hayes fellow stumbled onto it as a happy accident. He wasn't a big player, just someone who knew how to grow and was at the right place at the right time and knew exactly the value of what he was looking at. I'm trying like hell to remember the Cat's last name; but honestly if I did......
There may have been a few great strains that a local hydro store owner was part of but the Trin were the brothers… back home growing was WAY underground… WAY… so circles were super tight and kind bud super scarce..
OH the TRINITY smell.... try carrying weight of it in a pickup across state lines. *MAXIMUM FEAR*
wierd thing is I never ran across it in KC during that time (was getting the bubblegum instead).
As I recall this Hayes fellow stumbled onto it as a happy accident. He wasn't a big player, just someone who knew how to grow and was at the right place at the right time and knew exactly the value of what he was looking at. I'm trying like hell to remember the Cat's last name; but honestly if I did......

Wonder if any dank from Lawrence made its way towards ya… the Ak or the Sensi Star, the AK x Sensi Star would be the main 3 you'd of come across if so..
I was getting Trin in Wichita :)

and the AK and Sensi from Lawrence…

I had GWS x WR going and my last run in KS (busted) was all White Rhino..
Wonder if any dank from Lawrence made its way towards ya… the Ak or the Sensi Star, the AK x Sensi Star would be the main 3 you'd of come across if so..
Like you said tight circles super scarcity. You always knew like 1,2,3 guys and that was it. not a lot of overlap.

The way to stay free in KC was "front man". By the time I was growing in KC (much later than the Trin era we are discussing) nobody knew I grew had to stand there like a dumb runner boy chump while people smoked my weed in front of me and complimented it.
The changes from then to now are hard to process.
I am a bud tender now and worked the week Recreational opened in Oregon. People were coming in:
SHAKING with nerves
I had a 70 year old grandma buy some Alien OG at 26% and a 3 inch pipe; when I told her to go easy and take baby hits, she snapped back "I have smoked cigarettes before YOUNG MAN!"
Lots of people coming in and asking for relief from ailments like we are an apothocary (this is the rec side mind you)
An insane interest in CBD strains and what they can do.
A lot of people saying they want off their meds and they think cannabis can help (most cite cost of pharma as often as any other reason)

I think big pharma, health insurance industry, health care in general..... very well may be in deep shit :)
The Trinity I am referring too was bred in Northern California, and is some incredible smoke. My gut tells me it is related to the real deal Headband, not loompa's cut. Trinity could be taken from 56-80 days and was dank whenver it was taken , but real psychediclic shit at 75-80 days. Incredible high. I would only smoke it late day because it truly put you down. Diesel , Richy Rich are the only two other strains that did this to me , my whole life.. truly like takeing a mild hit of acid... amazing meds...
I have to say DNA Lemon OG, Big Buddha Blue Cheese, and some new shit I finished a month or so ago was Elemental's Trueberry.That one I just dropped into a 5 gallon pot with 3 gallons worth of soil 12/12 from seed under 250hps and 600hps its a 50/50 strain that pulled 5oz from it. Wish I had made some clones from her. Im sure she will do number with veg and scrog
I never had Lambs Breath/Bread but recently picked up a pack of Lambsbread x Bay11 and have one vegging now, am hoping its something special!
I've grown bay 11 and bay dream both were a pain in my ass I'm still growing bay dream but only because I crossed it with deep cheese
Alien OG crossed with white widow.... Banger but a pain in the ass, I almost regret breeding that one ;/ since you can't order that mix try some straight alien
One of the densest, fragrant and visually appealing.

From seed- hso trainwreck.

I'm sure there are much better strains but it's nice when you get a good plant from a single fem seed.
MOB BOSS, Hindu Kush, Critical Sensi Star, Afghan Kush, Wonder Woman, Brooklyn Mango, or anything with fat dense nugs I can turn into a bush.

1183.JPG Wonder Woman in pic, scent is so strong from this strain it will burn your nose.