If I could only smoke 1 sativa, it would probably be the Bob Marley’s Lamb’s BreadHerbal Solutions recently. Big fat juicy buds that smell like Appleton Rum. A definite treat for sure."
From: Herbal Solutions Compassionate Caregivers (
Grade: A
Type: Sativa
Price: $25/G, $70/8th Ounces are available.
Looks: Big. And by that I mean the buds I had were huge. 2 bud 1/8th.
Smell: Spicy. Like some good
Jamaican Rum.
Taste: Spicy as well. Good smooth smoke.
Buzz Type: Strong sativa head buzz. I loved it.
Buzz Length: Long. Great bud for getting out and having fun.
Overall: This is definitely my favorite
sativa. A
Top pick hands down. I am sure there are some as good, maybe even better available and I look forward to finding them.
Buzz Report: Rolled up a big chub of Bob Marley’s Lamb’s Bread and was blazing it out on my patio. My next door neighbor, who also blazes caught a whiff and yelled "SWEET!". After half the joint I was good. I ended up leaving the half joint outside and forgetting about it. Picked it up 2 days later and fired it up. Tasted just as sweet as it did on day 1. –Chubbs"
1. "A specific high-grade marijuana strain originating in Jamacia, was said to be Bob Marley's favorite strain A skunk variety, finishing in 8-10 wks. Very few people have the real deal,maybe a handful. Not available anywhere that is known the taste and smell are unmistakable. Not like ANY other skunk variety out there, does not even smell similiar more like a breeze of fresh air. In the top five most unique (best) strains on the planet, and one of the least known yea... i dont think its that but dont judge by the name dealers just say them because it moves product faster and they can get you to pay more saying its unique ive never heard of lambs breath but i bet it wouldnt smell to good then"
2. "Ancient Ras-Tafari herbs. High-grade, also known as King's Bread. Preffered herb of H.I.M. , Bob Marley, and Peter Tosh"

Hobbes that was agreat entry on LaMBS BREAD. WHERE DID YOU GET IT ?
fyi ANY OF YOU r HOLDING medical MJ CARDS iN LOS ANGELES, u CAN GO TO Herbal Discount Center (long beach ,1206 wardlow) and get Lambs bread.
they have it all the time.
Last edited by Hobbes; 06-19-2009 at 11:43 AM..