best stoner t.v. show?

i am canadian. we have a channel called showcase. it is a shame you guys don't get it in Amarica. type trailer park boys in google and look it up. rent the dvds. light a fat one and prepare to piss you pants bro!
dexter is pretty good when you;re stoned
but its a pretty good show altogether

it's about a serial killer that only kills killers
trailer park boys is good yeah, but takes aaages to 'get into' imo if you know what i mean.

Bones is amaze. not cause it's actually good just cause e deschanel is fit as fuck.
also 'the thick of it' is proper funny.

apart from them the usual family guy, south park, simpsons, american dad...generics haha
-clone high
-kenny vs spenny
-trailer park boys
-invader zim
-wonder showzen
-aqua teen hunger force
..and all the cliche ones of course, south park, futurama, family guy, simpsons etc...
01. Weeds
02. How I Met Your Mother
03. The Simpsons
04. Futurama
05. Family Guy
06. That 70's Show
07. The Whitest Kids U Know
08. Tim and Eric's Awesome Show, Great Job!
09. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
10. Ugly Americans
11. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
12. The Dave Chappelle Show
13. Ren and Stimpy
14. The Sarah Silverman Program
15. Arrested Development
My name is Earl
Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Ancient Aliens
Any thing on Discovery Channel
Ill say, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, Family Guy, Simpsons, Weeds, Futurama, American Dad, South Park, But then I think all these have been said...
Trailer park boys are badass. They're the reason I started growin. Seriously. I saw the episode where Ricky had some hydro PVC pipe thing goins on, and I started checkin out youtube hydroponics videos. Crazy! I too have seen every episode 2-3 times.

Y'all people still paying rediculous cable/satellite bills need to get outta the stoned age, and plug your goddamn PC into your flat screen. I pay $30 bucks a month and get every tv show, movie UFC event, etc you can think of. I've worked for both comcast & directv. I know you fools who have all the premium channels are paying $200+ a month. Jus sayin. Oh, and not only do you not have to FF through commercials. They don't even exist.


30 rock
ATHF. Spacecotaz!
Arrested development
BBC...Lots of stuff
Breaking bad.
Comedy central presents. Or any standup comedy. Doug Stanhope, my personal jesus.
Cougar town. I wasn't thinkin it was gonna be worth the shit, but is funny as hell.
Daily show
Dexter. Sad to see it go.
Hoarders, if I'm feelin like judgin some peeps.
How I met your mother. NPH is hilarious!
Inbetweeners. Great BBC comedy.
Justified. Just got into this one. It's fuckin great. If you liked deadwood, you'll love this.
Lie to me.
Mad men.
NOVA, for sure.
Parks & Rec. Aziz Ansari is 180 lbs of funny in a 120 lb sac.
Pawn stars. But yeah. Anything discovery.
Pretend time w/nick swardson.
School of comedy. BBC
Science now w/Neil deGrass Tyson. For when you're really high.
Shameless. US version. I can't understand the thick accents in the UK version.
Sons of anarchy
South park
The office
Two & a half men
WAlking dead

That's about all I can think of at the moment. Not too big on cartoons, sorry. It's a medical condition. If by judging this list you see anything I must see, please let me know.