Best Stoner Super Hero Power


Active Member
What do you think would be the best super power for a stoner??

My idea is a super hero called Super BubbleResiNSizzle

His Objective: Make everyone that has a frown has a SMILE :mrgreen:

His Powers: Primary- His hands turn into Cannon Model THC4200 BLASTS you with pure THC Secondary- Has two Sudo-Chucks Made Out of Grade A Moccaine Hash

Of Coarse he can fly high as hell, break Mach 2, and has a no choke resistance

Hes dressed in all green with a Top Hat With sticky ass pink,red,orange,purple and blue ganja hairs, a Cane with a golden bowl on the handle

Lol thats my super hero lets hear yours lol damn im high i wish Super BubbleResiNsizzle was here


Well-Known Member
Mine is Captain Dumbass....He just appears randomly out of nowhere and kicks some dumbass's ass....Big Capital D on his jersey.. Size 14 Terra Logging boots on. All the little kids will be saying to each other "don't be a dumbass or Captain Dumbass is gonna kick yer ass".....Release a set of Dumbass trading cards.....Maybe a Dumbass pop up book and a Dumbass lunchpail.


Well-Known Member
captain green thumb- Can make plants grow super fast to suit his needs and control them to grab people and planes and stuff-


Well-Known Member
mine would be captain neemoil, so he can kill all the pesky critters all over the city, then id sell his action figures at walmart and buy some of those 150 fucking dollar seeds from attitude,lol...i bet those produce some good smoke, then id become captain bombweed...haha


Well-Known Member

the ability to turn his enemies into marijuana...then he would smoke them to rejuvenate his powers


Well-Known Member
Being able to turn any munchie craving in to reality of the power to make your plant grow x3 faster

Chronic Monster

Well-Known Member
Everything I touch turns to hash(but can turn it off as well).


Any girl I look at has an orgasm.



Well-Known Member
Munchie Man! he appears with a bounty of delicious food when you have the craving and don't wanna get up off the couch