best stoner movies of all time


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Definitely gotta agree with Grandmas Boy, that movie is awesome!

How High is pretty damn funny too! "Get the body, stop bein' such a little bitch and get the body!" lmfao!

Caddyshack is always great!

I think animated flicks are some of the best movies to watch while baked, like The Incredibles or Toy Story, kinda makes you feel like a little kid..:weed:
QUIET COOL waz alright. but def. grandmas boy


Well-Known Member
PICK OF DESTINEY, my first stoner movie
half baked
totally baked
300, when i get that hyper dro.
Euro Trip, nice tits in beginning
Harold and Kumar
Zeitgeist 1&2, and other conspiracy movies


Active Member
Trailer Park Boys Seasons 1-5, particularily (season 2 is it?) the episode called: The Bare Pimp Project (Ricky gets his grade 10, Ricky rats on Cyrus who fails grade 10 for cheating on an exam which causes Cyrus to exact revenge, J-Roc films a porn movie staring Sam Loscow which Julian uses to break up Sam and Lahies ex-wife to keep power of the park and the episode winds up in a shoot out between Bubbles, Julian and Ricky against Sam and Cyrus, Ricky gets shot and the boys going to jail)...funniest episode ever!

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring is also trippy in some parts.

Doggy Fizzle Telivizzle (now off air, but some episodes on youtube). This was a snoop dog show on MTV...also involves weed.

Pink Floyd's The Wall.

...can't think of anymore at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Much love to Cheech & Chong, but Friday is my all-time favorite. Surprised nobody mentioned it.