Best Soil?


Active Member
Ive done a few canna coco grows and wanna try Soil......

As far as my red eye can see

Bio Bizz all mix is alright but the organic stuff-Plagron Royalty and also Guangokalong soil seem better
to me but is there a garden centre type soil that is just as good/better.....and what about Royalty or guangokalong?

Help a newbie!!!!!!!

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i have used fox farm and have liked it. need to as nutes those. right now i am in the process of making my own soil and seeing how that works. its pretty cheap and you can go organic by making compost teas and top dressing with some of the amendments when needed.


Well-Known Member
Fox farm, roots organic.....i make subcool super soil and use it for bottom 50% of pot and the other 50% is usually roots organic
Fox far ocean forest/ pro-mix/perlite With advanced nutes ( jungle juice lucas fomula w/ big bud/grandmas molasses It works great for me, always looking for improvements though... Anyone else have any ideas to what I should use or not use? I have some Fox farm tiger bloom, grow big, big bloom,cha ching, beastie bloom and open sesame to but I have read that advanced is a better base than FF.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what I use. It says "og 514" on the side and comes in a big bale. I getting it from the Amish farm store


Well-Known Member

Canadian. Buy it at Wal Mart. Peat based with perlite, vermiculite and beneficial mycorrizhae added. $39.95 but $60 here in Alaska (assholes). Low nutes and that is why I like it. You can read your plants from day 1 and fertilize, or not, accordingly. I tired of paying high dollar for FF to get nute burn.

"Pro-Mix BX with Biofungicide is composed of Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss (75-85 % / vol.); Dolomitic & Calcitic Limestone (pH adjuster); Endomycorrhize (Mycorise Pro); Macronutrients; Perlite (horticural grade); Micronutrients; Vermiculite; and a Wetting Agent" 3.8 cubic feet bale compressed expands to 7 cubic feet.

I like it. I have good success after transplanting from FF OF to a mix of this 33%, FF OF 30%, tree bark mulch in the bottom at 30% and some more vermiculite and pumice. EXCELLENT drainage! But does hold moisture, especially with the tree bark mulch below.


I miss McClennon Power Flower!!!!!!!!! Hands down by far the best soil ever. Got shut down about 2 years ago for taking peat moss off protected land or something, they said it was only temporary but its been 2 years and I dont think they are coming back...


Well-Known Member
That's what the stuff I use is most similar to, couldn't thiNJ of the name, pro mix Bx with microhizl, great stuff

Canadian. Buy it at Wal Mart. Peat based with perlite, vermiculite and beneficial mycorrizhae added. $39.95 but $60 here in Alaska (assholes). Low nutes and that is why I like it. You can read your plants from day 1 and fertilize, or not, accordingly. I tired of paying high dollar for FF to get nute burn.

"Pro-Mix BX with Biofungicide is composed of Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss (75-85 % / vol.); Dolomitic & Calcitic Limestone (pH adjuster); Endomycorrhize (Mycorise Pro); Macronutrients; Perlite (horticural grade); Micronutrients; Vermiculite; and a Wetting Agent" 3.8 cubic feet bale compressed expands to 7 cubic feet.

I like it. I have good success after transplanting from FF OF to a mix of this 33%, FF OF 30%, tree bark mulch in the bottom at 30% and some more vermiculite and pumice. EXCELLENT drainage! But does hold moisture, especially with the tree bark mulch below.


Well-Known Member
Im using Plagron Organic all mix as my base (with a "few" things added)


plant seems to love it .. no problems so fare and Im about to switch to 12/12

I mixd it with about 30% coco to make it more light and airy ..

also added a littel blood/bone meal .. some kelp .. a few ts of epsom salt .. and some Mearl (Ocanic lime)
and have add some bat guano powder (15% P and 1% N/K) in my 5 gallon flowering pots I just repotted them in to after 5 weeks of veg.

only thing I used in my water so fare have been a littel Super Thrive twise .. and some pure enzyms (also from Plagron) to help the soil
micro life .. will use Molasses in flowering for that .. plus a top dressin of more guano powder in week 4 or so ..

will try ther bat mix next time .. got my hydro store guy to order it home .. was toald good things about Plagron guano soil mix ..

all in all I like Plagron products .. also got some green sensasion for late flowering and some root power I have used twise .. as seedlings and when repoted from cups to 3 gallon pots ..

and got ther veg/bloom organic nutriens .. but I will only use that in my SS. if I see my girls need sumthing .. if the guano powder and blood/bone meals is`t enough ..


hi there mate was just reading your post and think maybe you can help .. just switched from hydroponics to plagron all mix and have never grown in soil b4 .. what id like to no is can i use house and garden 1 component.. roots excelurater .. and multi enzym with plagron all mix? also could you please help with a feed scedule also ph and ec levels as ive not got a clue when it comes to soil and do i have to add calcium as its says on plagrons site that u have to .. any help would be great thanks