best soil for indoor grow? ???

george xxx

Active Member
"At the hydro store they had a side by side comparison of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Sunshine#4 the tomato plants grown in #4 mix where much bigger than the Ocean Forest plants."

Exactly :!: Attention getter for profit.
The soil you choose is somewhat irrelevant.
Nearly all premium brands can get good results.
Its all about what you do with what you choose.
Every medium will have different feeding requirements.
Don't just go by what you read on cannibus sites.
Research garden soils. It can be as simple or as complicated as you choose to make it.


Well-Known Member
"Also I use FF ocean forest , I don't have to wait 3-4 weeks before feeding nutrients. The very first water on FF ocean forest is ph'd water and after that I use nutrients."

Bad Advice.
nah man, thats not bad advice at all... You think that soil is FULL of nutrients ? Well its not, its minimal at best. If it was full of nutrients then it would be much more expensive. My initial water for FF OF in (5gal pot) is ph'd R/O water, after the first initial watering its fine (for me) to use nutrients (half strength). Works like a charm.
P..S. Fox farm additives, open seas, beastie, and cha ching are garbage !!!
FFOF Definitely has the potential to burn seedlings and cuttings. As already stated adding some dolomite lime to buffer the ph and using plain ph adjusted water while the plant gets used to the soil is the best method, ease into the nutes as necessary. You have to remember it's all about the strain too ... heavy feeders require more nutes, visa versa ...

Edit: If you like to water/feed daily you should consider 50%coco50%perlite for its superior drainage(plus no problems with nutrients) or add around 25-50% perlite to the FFOF.


Active Member
What if you cant get the FF in Canada. Anyone know of something that is the equivelant, or just stay with Coco Coir ?