best soil for growing


Well-Known Member
im a beginner and i dont want 2 spend i was thinking of what soil should i get? because alot of the soil says it autofeeds if so do i even need fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
Auto feeding soils are generally not wanted as they can cause plants to get nutrients when the grow is not planning on that. Personally, I am using some Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil that feeds some but not nearly as much as fertilizer itself does. Would probably be best to get an Organic soil if possible though. As said though no, for general growing you would not need to fertilize your plants as they should be able to grow fine in that soil. Does not mean fertilizer would not help them though.


Well-Known Member
I found that plain old top soil with perlite was as good as the more expencive biobizz soil ... both yeilded the same at the end


Well-Known Member
Avoid soils with fertilizer in them if you can. If you happen to end up using them, DO NOT add more nutes or you can burn the shit out of your plants.


Well-Known Member
I'm using some elcheapo stuff I bought at Wal*Mart, however, I use 1 part soil with 3 parts Mushroom Compost and 2 parts vermiculite and/or pearlite. Plants are LOVING that Mushroom Compost.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forest is my favorite, but I have grown with success with miracle Grow organics soil (I don't recommends lots of bugs) as well as stien's garden indoor plant mix that works really well and only has a very little bit of nutes to start with.